
January 31, 2011

Visitors focus on Sorghum: Spain and Portugal send grain buyers on tour of U.S. farms

Last week, the Sorghum Checkoff and the U.S. Grains Council hosted a group of Spanish and Portuguese grain buyers as they visited Kansas and South Texas. The organizations encouraged the use of sorghum in foreign poultry, swine and ruminant industries. Greg Graff, a sorghum farmer from Marienthal, Kan. says this group offers a great opportunity to sorghum producers because they represent very diverse industries.

"Presentations were made by everyone from nutritionists and feed millers to producer representatives," Graff said. "They are very interested in the sorghum and its potential in their industry." Spain has been a very important customer for sorghum in the past and now wants to learn the newest practices in feed milling and ration formulation, as well as the current nutritive values of grain sorghum. Sorghum offers them a great value and they recognize that. Read more...

This blog is written by Martin Little The Global Miller, published and supported by the GFMT Magazine from Perendale Publishers.


  1. Hello Global Miller..I have several question to ask on the use of Surghum for feedstuff. Starting up a new business in the export of Surghum amongst other commodities in the UK. Looking for potential buyers in Europe and Africa. Potential source of Product is Nigeria which is currently one of the highest producers of Surghum but extremely low exporter. Still in research stages so would be pleased if you could advise how we can get in touch by email or telephone.

  2. Thank for your inquiry, I don't have the specific information you are asking for, however the International Milling Directory will contain details of companies and producers I hope this information is helpful to you. The Goldenmiller
