
August 18, 2015

18/08/2015: From the Soyatech newsroom
Image: Marufish
The latest wheat yield maps issued by the Australian Export Grain Innovation Centre show the emergence of yield penalties for Victoria’s wheat crop because of a lack of rainfall.

China’s sudden currency move to impact US soy exportersChina’s sudden currency move this week is causing additional challenges for US soy exporters in an already challenging market.

Scotland to ban the production of GM crops
Scotland has announced it is intending to ban the production of all genetically modified crops, including previously EU-approved varieties.

Fidel Castro’s daughter to address Oilseed & Grain Trade Summit
Fidel Castro’s daughter, Alina Fernandez, will offer a unique perspective on Cuba's history and future at the 10th annual event, while a panel of experts will examine Cuba-US relations and growing opportunities in Cuba for the US agricultural sector.

International researchers discover two new barley plant genes
International researchers have discovered two new barley genes, Btr1 and Btr2 that can open new horizons for barley breeding programs.
China to slow sorghum purchases
China's expected change to its floor price policy for corn could cut the country’s sorghum imports by as much as 30 percent next year.

Hot and dry conditions across most of Ukraine will likely result in a 10 percent drop in the country’s corn crop, and threaten next year’s rapeseed crop.

Millions of acres of Bt soybeans have been planted across South America with impressive results, but will the technology be approved for commercialisation in the US?

Food Protein hosts 1st Plant operations and process engineering short course - October 18-21, 2015

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