
March 18, 2018

19/03/2018: Incorporating whole-cell yeast into a swine diet: Q&A with ADM

ADM Animal Nutrition™, a division of Archer Daniels Midland Company, is a leading provider of innovative products for the animal nutrition market including high-quality feed products, amino acids, supplements, premixes, custom ingredient blends and specialty feed ingredients to aid in optimising animal health and nutrition.

The following is a Q&A with ADM swine nutritionist Dr Matthew Asmus, PhD, on the benefits of incorporating CitriStim®, a specialty ingredient proprietary to ADM Animal Nutrition™, in the diets of sows as well as its use with livestock, poultry and aquaculture.
Can you give our readers an overview of what your product is?
CitriStim® is a proprietary, whole-cell yeast developed by ADM Animal Nutrition™ and currently used in more than 1,500 feed formulations for swine, ruminants, poultry, aquaculture, equine, rabbits, deer/elk and game birds. We recommended an inclusion rate between two and four pounds per ton of CitriStim® depending on an animal’s stage of production.

How is CitriStim® different from other yeast products on the market?
CitriStim® differs from other yeast products in the fact that it is comprised of a unique, whole-cell inactivated yeast, Pichia guilliermondii. This specific strain of yeast has shown a high affinity for binding to bacteria along the intestinal tract, which greatly reduces the interaction between the bacteria and the gut wall. The reduced bacterial colonisation of the intestinal tract is thought to improve tight gap junctions in the intestinal lining and the overall gut health of the animal.

Why the focus on CitriStim® for sows?
Outside of disease, one of the largest challenges facing sow farms is low birthweight and nonviable piglets. A swine trial conducted at the University of Arkansas found that the inclusion of CitriStim® in the diets of sows not only increased the number of piglets born alive, it also reduced the percentage of piglets that weighed less than two pounds at birth, and increased the number of piglets weaned per litter (Figures 1, 2 and 3). Data from this study is based on an average sow feed intake of 800 pounds per litter, prices at the time of the study and a feeding of CitriStim® at 0.2 percent in gestation and lactation diet (table 1).

Have other producers seen similar benefits to those found in Arkansas trial?
Yes, multiple producers who have implemented CitriStim® have reported a reduction in low birthweight pigs and increased weaning weights. In addition, a number of producers have also reported that CitriStim® has helped resolve “underlying” issues in the sow herd including a reduction in the number of reoccurring outbreaks of E.coli scours in the farrowing crate. This is thought to be accomplished through CitriStim’s affinity to bind and excrete bacteria from the intestine and lower the overall bacterial challenge load to nursing pigs.

Read the full interview with tables and figures, HERE.

The Global Miller
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which is published by Perendale Publishers Limited.

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