
August 04, 2019

Sustainable packaging—What if paper is the solution?

by Tomas Larsson, BillerudKorsnäs, Sweden
How paper packaging for flour and seeds can minimise the impact on the environment

You have probably watched them. Video clips and images from various corners of the world, showing the effects of garbage on oceans, wildlife and people – often from non-biodegradable packaging. At BillerudKorsnäs, we are working actively to address the challenging concerns for our planet. We know that better packaging can do much for the environment and there are many benefits from choosing a smarter solution.

Protecting goods and the planet

The most important task for packaging is to protect goods, save resources and minimise waste. Regardless of the choice of materials, strong packaging from strong materials can do much. However, excessive heavy packaging is not the answer to the challenge of protecting products – we must also reduce the material usage for packaging. Waste, unnecessary resource use and climate change often go hand in hand.

Biodegradable packaging can help

Normally, the product inside determines which packaging material is the most suitable. Plastic is a fantastic material, but due to its environmental impact, it shouldn’t be used when other, more environmentally friendly, alternatives are available.

If a biodegradable paper packaging does end up in the nature, it breaks down within just a couple of months. This can be compared to a plastic bag which requires around 500 years to decompose. When it comes to climate change, BillerudKorsnäs’ packaging materials have shown significantly lower climate impact in life cycle assessments where they have been compared to the corresponding similar plastic alternatives.

Strong fibres make stronger packaging

At BillerudKorsnäs, we have produced and developed strong biodegradable packaging materials for centuries. Our papers are made from 100 percent primary fibres, mainly from Scandinavian forests.

They are a perfect mix of short and long fibres that together result in very strong packaging that can withstand tough handling in demanding transport chains. Moreover, the stronger the fibres, the less material is needed to create a strong packaging solution.

Responsible forestry is the key

However, even though many market players are aware of the benefits of renewable and biodegradable materials, there is resistance to converting to paper packaging. At BillerudKorsnäs, we often hear that people believe that using paper results in deforestation and that the paper industry fells all of the trees.

This perception is unfortunate and incorrect. Trees are a renewable resource and replanting is a prerequisite for our industry’s entire existence. Thanks to responsible forestry, the Swedish forest industry, including ourselves, has lasted for hundreds of years.

Read more HERE.

The Global Miller
This blog is maintained by The Global Miller staff and is supported by the magazine Milling and Grain
which is published by Perendale Publishers Limited.

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