
July 07, 2020

Adapting to the challenges of COVID-19

by Randy Coffee, VP of Sales and Marketing, Superior Grain Equipment, US

During this difficult time, we want to assure you that Superior Grain Equipment is taking the necessary precautions and safety measures while ensuring that our sales, production and delivery services continue to operate without interruption. 

Superior has always been positioned well with production schedules to meet a late season demand for grain storage, conditioning and handling equipment, and we will continue that trend this year despite the various global challenges.  Ag producers play a key role in providing commodities for world consumption and we will continue to be here to support their operations, as we have been for decades.

This year, farmers around the world are facing new obstacles created from this global COVID-19 pandemic.  Coupled with challenging weather and other uncontrollable factors, it’s hard to predict what’s to come in the next few months.  That is why it’s more important now than ever before for ag producers to properly prepare for potential difficulties to come. 

Late plant/Extended harvest
Late planting seasons present many challenges. Racing the weather and not being able to get crops off is stressful enough but having them spoil due to improper storage and conditioning is worse yet. So how does one get some peace of mind when it comes to harvest time? One way is to install a grain dryer into your system. Grain dryers benefit your operation in many ways.  Most importantly you have the option of being able to get into the field sooner, which; 1) gives you a chance to harvest your entire crop before bad weather sets in, and 2) it lessens your field loss.

Drying grain is an important part of the harvesting process, especially if you plan to store your grain to market it for the best return.  On-farm solutions can be much more affordable than you think and over time can save you money.  

Read more HERE.

The Global Miller
This blog is maintained by The Global Miller staff and is supported by the magazine Milling and Grain
which is published by Perendale Publishers Limited.

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