
May 23, 2024

EnergyDecental 2024 - innovation awards at the leading trade fair for decentralised energy supply

May 23, 2024 - EnergyDecentral, the leading trade fair for decentralised energy supply, will take place from November 12-15, 2024, alongside EuroTier 2024 in Hanover, Germany. As part of the event, the DLG (German Agricultural Society), as the organiser, will confer two different awards covering market ready innovations and pioneering concepts. The 'Innovation Award EnergyDecentral' is already the leading innovation award for decentralised energy production. With the 'DLG-Agrifuture Concept Winner' award, the DLG recognises pioneering work and concepts for decentralised energy production.

'Powering new ideas': true to this theme, the DLG at EnergyDecentral 2024 will once again be recognising companies that develop pioneering innovations and visionary concepts. The DLG innovation awards underline the potential of innovative solutions in the field of decentralised energy.

Innovation Award EnergyDecentral

Established as the leading innovation award for decentralised energy generation, DLG's Innovation Award EnergyDecentral recognises innovations for practical application. An independent jury, the DLG commission, will be evaluating all entries, resulting in an 'Innovation Award EnergyDecentral' in either gold or silver for innovations meeting the stringent criteria. These include a new process or a known process that has significantly improved.

Exhibiting companies at EnergyDecentral 2024 can enter innovations in the award scheme.

Following evaluation and analysis of the entries, the international will select the innovations that will receive the 'Innovation Award EnergyDecentral' in either gold or silver.

DLG Agrifuture Concept Winners

As part of EuroTier and EnergyDecentral, the DLG with its DLG Agrifuture Concept Winner Award is honouring pioneering work and concepts for sustainable animal husbandry and decentralised energy production. These are concepts and visions that have not yet reached market maturity, but are still in the development phase.

All award winners will be announced at the EuroTier international press conference on September 24 in Germany.

The closing date for entries for the EnergyDecentral 2024 awards in July 31, 2024.

For more information, visit HERE.

The Global Miller
This blog is maintained by The Global Miller staff and is supported by the magazine Milling and Grain
which is published by Perendale Publishers Limited.

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