
May 30, 2024

Taras Vysotskyi: The Ministry of Agrarian Policy is developing mechanisms for transparent and unhindered exports

May 30, 2024 - In the process of developing the agricultural sector and, in particular, the grain industry, it is important to implement changes in line with EU norms and standards. One of the most urgent changes is to create mechanisms to combat shadow exports of grains and oilseeds, and to establish clear rules for all market participants. 

This was stated by Taras Vysotskyi, Acting Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine, in his speech at the Ukrainian Grain Conference. 

According to him, it is necessary to create conditions for transparent and unhindered exports. To this end, the Ministry of Agrarian Policy is working to set minimum export prices for agricultural products, primarily for grains and oilseeds. In addition, a system of product traceability and crop predictability is being developed.

"The Ministry of Agrarian Policy is developing a mechanism that would allow us to effectively predict the maximum yield of different crops. In addition, amendments to the legislation on the application of the export security regime for the period of martial law and the state of emergency have been adopted, which sets minimum export prices. At the same time, it is necessary to determine a price level that will be in line with market prices but will not stop exports," said Taras Vysotskyi.

In addition, the Acting Minister spoke about the support programmes for farmers. He noted that the government is currently paying special attention to helping farmers in the areas of military risk. That is, in the de-occupied territories, areas of possible/active hostilities, and in the frontline zone.

A number of government support programmes are available for agricultural producers this year:

  • 'Affordable Loans 5-7-9'. Agricultural producers can get a load of up to UAH 90 million, and processing companies can get a loan of up to UAH 150 million;
  • Grants for the development of gardens and greenhouses - up to UAH 7 million of UAH 10 million, respectively;
  • Compensation of up to 50 percent of the cost of restoration and construction of reclamation systems; compensation of the cost of domestic agricultural machinery - up to 25 percent;
  • Small farmers who cultivate up to 120 hectares in the de-occupied territories will be able to receive UAH 8000 of non-refundable aid per hectare, and UAH 4000 in the government-controlled territory.
The Global Miller
This blog is maintained by The Global Miller staff and is supported by the magazine Milling and Grain
which is published by Perendale Publishers Limited.

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