January 31, 2014

31/01/14: Poultry expo exhibitors recognized for long-term exhibiting tenure at 2014 IPPE

VAL-CO receives plaque for 60 years of
exhibiting at IPE - Fred Steduler (middle),
 son of the founder of VAL-CO, and Bob
 Zeller (right), vice president of sales and
marketing for VAL-CO, accept the long-time
 exhibitor plaque from Elton Maddox,
Wayne Farms, Oakwood and
chairman of USPOULTRY.
News courtesy of the U.S. Poultry & Egg Association (USPOULTRY)

Poultry Times receives plaque for 55 years
of exhibiting at IPE - Cindy Wellborn (left),
general manager of Poultry Times, accepts
the long-time exhibitor plaque from Elton Maddox,
 Wayne Farms, Oakwood, and chairman of USPOULTRY.
U.S. Poultry & Egg Association (USPOULTRY) recognized three companies that have been exhibiting for 50 or more years at the International Poultry Expo (IPE), part of the 2014 International Production & Processing Expo which took place in Atlanta, USA this week.

Elton Maddox, Wayne Farms, Oakwood and newly elected chairman of USPOULTRY, and James Adams, Wenger Feeds, Rheems, and past chairman of USPOULTRY, presented plaques to each company in acknowledgement of their long-term exhibiting tenure.

VAL-CO was recognized for 60 years of exhibiting at IPE. Poultry Times was recognized for 55 years of exhibiting at IPE, and Hy-Line International was recognized for 50 years of exhibiting at IPE.

“Your support of the International Poultry Expo has allowed the poultry industry to grow and advance, as we have invested show revenues back into the industry. We sincerely thank you for your continued support,” commented Maddox.

Hy-Line International receives plaque for 50 years of exhibiting at IPE
Jerry Dreyer (second from left), international marketing manager for Hy-Line International, accepts the long-time exhibitor plaque from James Adams (third from left), Wenger Feeds, Rheems, and past chairman of USPOULTRY. Joining in the presentation were John Starkey (left), president of USPOULTRY, and Dr. Kenton Kreager (right), senior technical service veterinarian for Hy-Line International.

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Years of experience in the design and installation of grain handling facilities, from on-farm drying and storage to large port terminals, coupled with modern technology and the latest manufacturing methods, makes Chief UK an ideal partner whether embarking on a new project, or expanding an existing plant. Click on image to visit Chief's website.

31/01/14: Friday video: King corn

King corn is a documentary film which follows two friends, one acre of corn, and the subsidized crop that drives our modern fast-food world.

With the help of neighbors, friends Ian Cheney and Curt Ellis, travel to Iowa, USA in a bid to learn more about where their food comes from.

With the help of neighbors, genetically modified seeds, and powerful herbicides, they plant and grow a bumper crop of America's most-productive, most-ubiquitous grain on one acre of Iowa soil.

31/01/14: Software developer launches app for cattle farmers

English: Cattle, Achranich
Cattle in Achranich, Scotland, UK
(Photo credit: Wikipedia)
News courtesy of software manufacturer Novoda

Europe’s largest and fastest growing independent Android software development consultancy Novoda recently announced the launch of Cattle Manager, an application that helps cattle farmers manage inventory and records about their livestock through their mobile devices.

The application is the result of research conducted by a group of students - some of who come from farming families - from Wick High School in Caithness, Scotland, UK. The children observed that while local livestock farmers conducted daily rounds to vaccinate their cattle they were carrying around extensive paperwork associated with each beast.

The app enables farmers to store their information instantly on a mobile device, thereby eliminating the need to maintain and carry around paper records about the status of its livestock

The app has many useful features, including:

 - Livestock parenting history
 - Livestock vaccination history and due dates for further required vaccinations
 - Colour grouping options to help organise related cattle
 - Calendar integration and reminder integration to track crucial upcoming injections
 - Import and export options to allow farmers to edit inventory and dates on a PC before venturing outside on their livestock review

The children behind the app took part in last year’s Apps for Good competition, an initiative launched by the charity Apps for Good to get young people interested in technology. The contest invited students from across the country to come up with an idea for an app and Cattle Manager was one of the winners. It received funding from corporate sponsor Dell and was created with the help of Novoda.

Commenting on the development of the app, Kevin McDonagh, Novoda’s CEO, said: “The children found a practical solution to a problem which they had experienced. They all work on local farms and observed the struggle of maintaining paperwork between where the files are kept and the sheds where the animals reside. Novoda used Android technology to seamlessly transfer vital cattle data to a mobile device, enabling farmers to prepare and conduct their daily rounds without the need for multiple trips. Best of all, the farmers we have worked with have confirmed that the app is easy to use, even for those who profess difficulties with technology.”

The app is available for free at Google Play here.
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31/01/14: Livestock leader reveals new website; record numbers at AFIA's Pet Food Conference; grain handling cost high in Oz

Livestock health leader Amlan International recently unveiled its new website, a mark of its commitment to gut health in livestock. 

The new website shows off the company's depth of knowledge and product research along with timely news related to animal health and disease management.
Full news available here.

The American Feed Industry Association (AFIA) and the Poultry Protein and Fat Council had a record-setting 275 people in attendance at its annual Pet Food Conference at the International Production & Processing Expo (IPPE)earlier this week.

Now in to its seventh year, the day-long conference offers the latest industry initiatives.
Full news available here.

Australian farmers spend 30 per cent of grain production costs getting the product to port, according to a report by the Australian Export Grains Innovation Centre (AEGIC).

The report found that supply chain costs for an average 200-kilometre trip to port in Western and eastern Australia start at about $60 per tonne, reports the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC).
Full news available here.

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Sheep and cow (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
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January 30, 2014


Bühler is a specialist and technology partner for plant, equipment, food processing services and manufacturing advanced materials. Click on image to visit Bühler's website.

30/01/14: Animal nutrition firm unlocks the potential of feed with combined enzyme and probiotic solution

News courtesy of Danisco Animal Nutrition, a subsidiary of USA based chemical company DuPont

English: Extruded feed pellets
Extruded feed pellets
(Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Danisco Animal Nutrition marked over 25 years of innovative product launches with yet another ‘first’ -  a combined enzyme and multi-strain probiotic solution designed to fully unlock healthy nutrition benefits from animal feed -  that was unveiled during this year's International Production and processing Expo (IPPE).

At a time when poultry producers are struggling to cope with volatile conditions, profitability and liveability challenges, Syncra® AVI takes the superior feed efficiency results from separate enzyme and probiotic applications already offered by Danisco Animal Nutrition to a new level.

Multiple trials at independent research organisations have proved that this xylanase, amylase, protease and multi-strain Bacillus combination offers superior performance results throughout the production cycle as a result of complementary modes of action:

  •  Xylanase breaks down the non starch polysaccharides (NSPs) such as arabinoxylans in the fibre-fraction of the feed, releasing previously trapped nutrients
  • Amylase increases the hydrolysis of starch, improving its digestibility and complements the secretion of endogenous amylases
  • Protease increases the digestibility of protein and breaks down specific anti-nutrients in the feed 
  • Bacillus probiotics establish and maintain a beneficial microbial population in the gut of the bird, making the gut environment less conducive to colonization by microorganisms that may have a negative impact on animal performance.
    Specific healthy nutrition benefits that Syncra® AVI offers include:
  • A 14% net improvement in relative cost per pound live-weight gain* for Clostridium perfringens challenged birds
  •  Approximately  three-to-one return on investment even for low challenge birds, resulting from significantly improved digestibility and gut health support
*Based on feed costs as of November 2013  

Janet Remus, director technical services at Danisco Animal Nutrition, commented: “Achieving optimum healthy broiler performance from feed is key to our customers’ profitability. Syncra® AVI offers them a unique means of delivering performance while saving feed costs.”

Syncra® AVI  is supplied at the optimum enzyme to probiotic ratio to achieve superior performance, digestibility and healthy bird benefits. Excellent levels of nutrient release are ensured by its high stability (to 203°F (95°C) ) in pelleted diets.

For more information on Syncra® AVI, visit DuPont's website here.
Alternatively, email DuPont at info.animalnutrition@dupont.com

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30/01/14: Novus celebrates 30 years of feed supplement production; grain buyer insolvency case; GMO food labeling legality

Animal nutrition solution provider Novus has been celebrating 30 years of production of its ALIMET® feed supplement this week.

The first load of ALIMET® - an 88% active source of methionine - was originally shipped out of the Chocolate Bayou Manufacturing Facility near Alvin, Texas, USA and has become the liquid methionine source most frequently used by nutritionists around the world.
Full news available here

Yesterday, the North Dakota Public Service Commission, USA backed payment of claims totaling just over $1 million in a grain buyer insolvency case involving Minnesota-based grain buyer Mitchell Feeds, Inc.

The commission unanimously recommended payment to 25 claimants.
Full news available here.

Both legally and from a public relations perspective, the issue of labeling food and beverage products that contain bio-engineered ingredients is complicated.

“The bottom line take away is there is a debate about how G.M.O.s (genetically modified organisms) are used,” said Jonathan Adler, director of the Center for Business Law and Regulation at Case Western Reserve University School of Law, Ohio, USA and author of “How not to label biotech foods.” 
Full news available here.

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Various foods (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

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January 29, 2014


Alapala is a leading company in its sector, covering flour, semolina, maize, feed turn-key projects and offering economical solutions to its customers all over the world. Click on image to visit Alapala's website. 

29/01/14: Grain-based alcohol; Philippines agriculture sector expands; investment firm acquires stake in bread business

The animal feed industry recently reported on the by-products of grain-based distilleries.

Grain-based distilleries, together with an increasing use of molasses-based ethanol by oil companies is set to further the viability of grain-based distilleries in the future. Grain-based distilleries will also provide better quality alcohol to the liquor industry.
Full news available here

Despite the array of natural catastrophes that hit the Philippines in 2013, the country's agriculture industry managed to expand by a healthy 1.15 percent between January and December last year.

“Considering a very challenging year, this growth is significant,” said J. Alcala, secretary of agriculture in the Philippines.
Full news available here.

Global investment firm The Gores Group recently announced it is to pay £30 million (US$49.7 million) for a 51% stake in a joint venture that will allow Gores to operate the Hovis bread business, currently owned by UK-based Premier Foods

The bread business is valued at approximately £87.5 million ($144.4 million).
Full news available here.

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Various breads (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

January 28, 2014

IPPE - AB Vista at IPPE 2014 – Richard Cooper hosts a special evening in Atlanta

International Milling Directory member company, AB Vista, held a cocktail reception for researchers, business partners and more. The International Milling Directory’s Lee and Darren were invited to attend this event on the eve of IPPE 2014 in Atlanta, Georgia, United States of America.

Richard Cooper, Managing Director of AB Vista gave an interesting speech:

‘If I can just take a few minutes of your time, and welcome along to our reception. This is actually the third cocktail event we’ve had at [IPPE in] Atlanta. The first one a couple of years ago was for the launch of QuantumBlue Phytase which was quite a big event in AB Vista’s history.

It has been a monumental two years since we launched that product and I think I’ll be fairly safe in saying that it’s really changed the way in which people think about phytase. It’s been a massive success for us, it has grown our business very rapidly – it’s kept me in a job which is quite useful as well but what I would really like to say is thank you a lot to everybody in the room here – we have a lot of customers here, a lot of distributors here, people we do research with here, and you guys have trusted us and we work really well together and being a huge part of this development.

Just to finish, we have grown quite rapidly at AB Vista, the company has only really been trading properly as AB Vista for seven or eight years. We had one employee seven or eight years ago which was me, and we now have about 135. We have grown to be the number three player in the feed enzyme world. We are not satisfied with that position, we are still gaining on the ones above us and we are doing that but the only way we are going to do that in the future is by working with people like you guys in the room. We have got to deliver better products, better services and better internal investment for everybody that is buying feed enzymes. And on that note, I just want to wish everybody a happy and prosperous 2014.’

Please do see all AB Vista have to offer at stand 2239 in Hall A3.
The International Milling Directory is present at Stand 1700 in Hall A2.

IPPE - Atlanta 'eyes' the 2014 IPPE Exhibition as it gets underway

The lights that burnt late into the night have been extinguished, workers have retired after completing a gruelling marathon of tasks and dawn has broken over Atlanta city in the USA: all is ready for the opening of the world's largest feed, poultry and meat exposition, IPPE 2014. It is opening now, at 15:00 GMT.

Over 25,000 visitors are expected to pass through the halls of the Georgia World Congress Centre, right at the heart of the Olympic Park in downtown Atlanta, over the next three days and where a new rotating 'eye' overlooks the venue.

Meetings by various groups - including the International Feed Industry Federation's 'Feed Regulators Meeting' - have already taken place and more are to come, co-ordinated to maximise their impact by aliening themselves with this major event.

For example, the holders of the Dutch VIV intensive livestock production exposition organisers, VNU, is hosting an 'International Pork Production Summit 2014 USA is being hosted on January 29, 2014 right in the heart of this poultry event.

Many individual companies exhibiting at IPPE, such as AB Vista which held its reception in the Omni Hotel to welcome national and international customers to Atlanta, hosted events.

Atlanta in January is a major destination  for the Latin poultry sector as well as its feed interests. With the addition of the American Meat Institutes (AMI), the venue has widened it's appeal and is of even more interest to other farmed species including fish!

Individual companies, such as AB Vista's reception in the Omni Hotel to welcome national and international customers to Atlanta.

In 2013, more than 26,000 trade visitors from over 110 countries came to Atlanta, Georgia, to see the range of products and services offered by over 1180 exhibitors. There were 5448 international visitors represented at the expo, and the largest group from a single country outside the United States was Canada. The largest region represented was Latin America / Caribbean

If you re attending the event, why not come along to stand 1700 and have a chat with the team from our sister publication Grain & Feed Milling Technology.

28/01/14: North Dakota's 'Wheat Safari'; global giants boost Mexican economy; students battle wheat stripe rust

American organisation, the Wheat Foods Council recently unveiled several initiatives to help combat anti-wheat messages during a meeting earlier this month in Phoenix, USA.
This August, Wheat Foods will hold a “Wheat Safari,” in North Dakota. The event will draw on the science behind the production of durum wheat.
Full news available here.
Mexico's food and drinks industry will receive a significant boost over the next five years as a result of two sizable investments by PepsiCo, Inc. and Nestle S.A. 
Last November, PepsiCo., unveiled plans to invest $5.5 billion in to India by 2020. The company stated it plans to use the funds to support its efforts in innovation, manufacturing, infrastructure and agriculture in the country.
Full news available here.
Four PhD students from India, Kenya and Ethiopia will contribute to a £1.4 million research to combat wheat stripe rust.
A year of their projects will take place in Norwich or Cambridge, UK as part of an international effort to improve crop production in developing countries.
Full news available here.
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Sack of wheat (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

January 27, 2014

27/01/14: Grain & Feed Milling Technology reaches a new readership group

The Global Miller is pleased to report that Grain & Feed Milling Technology magazine, the oldest still-in-print magazine servicing the milling industry, is now available in Turkish!

Commenting on the new language edition, Roger Gilbert, the publisher of Grain & Feed Milling Technology said, "Turkey is a major player in the milling sector and as such, I am delighted that we are now able to reach such a broad readership. It's important for us to recognised that milling technology is universal and that we should remove barriers to the exchange of information where we can.

"Turkey is a major milling equipment supplier not only domestically, but also throughout the region. Publishing in Turkish will assist millers throughout the region," he adds. 

Please take a look at the new GFMT edition below. 

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27/01/14: Event: Perendale Publishers arrive in Atlanta

Georgia World Congress Center in Atlanta, GA, ...
Georgia World Congress Center in Atlanta, Georgia, USA
(Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Five members of the Grain & Feed Milling Technology team - Roger Gilbert, Tuti Tan, Darren Parris, Lee Bastin and Ivan Marquetti - arrived in Atlanta, USA, yesterday in preparation for the International Production & Processing Expo (IPPE) which kicks off tomorrow!

The team will be on stand 1700 in Hall A. Please drop by and say hello if you are in Atlanta and get a chance.

The team will have the latest editions of GFMT and International Aquafeed available along with copies of recent issues. They will be distributing up to 1000 copies of the 2013-14 International Milling Directory and copies of the 2014 IAF and GFMT annual calendars. Copies of the magazine will be available in Turkish, Spanish and Chinese.

IPPE 2014 is sponsored by the U.S. Poultry & Egg Association (USPOULTRY), the American Feed Industry Association (AFIA), and the American Meat Institute (AMI) and brings together more than 1100 exhibitors and an anticipated 25,000 attendees. 

As the world's largest annual feed, poultry and meat technology exposition, all segments of the industry are represented. For more news of the show as it happens, keep an eye on our Facebook page here.

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27/01/14: British grain co-operative exports oilseed rape to Turkey

British grain co-operative Openfield
recently announced the export of
6000 tonnes of oilseed rape to Turkey
from Bristol’s Portbury Dock, UK. 
A shortage of GM-free oilseed rape amongst the exporters surrounding the Baltic Sea has forced Turkey to come to the United Kingdom in search of supplies.

Loading of the MV Palmali Confidence with 6,000 tonnes of oilseed rape from farms across the south west of England began last Friday at the Portbury Grain Terminal, which is operated exclusively by British grain co-operative Openfield. This is understood to be the first export of its kind to Turkey from the UK. Loading would have commenced sooner, but the high winds that resulted in widespread flooding across the region delayed its entry into the port.

Turkey is one of the few countries to have a stricter policy on the permissible inclusion of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) than the European Union and as such, in times of shortage it can make securing compliant supplies difficult.

Whereas the European Union has a permissible level of 0.1%, Turkey adheres to a zero-tolerance policy. Meeting this requirement is further complicated by a shortage of shippers able to give the necessary reassurances that their vessels can meet its zero-tolerance rule.  As such, it is being forced to look to suppliers in western Europe where shippers rarely encounter GM material.

John Thorpe, head of oilseed rape at Openfield - who handled the sale - said he was pleased to see this as a new destination for UK oilseed rape.

Openfield is the UK’s leading farmer-owned
grain marketing business handling around
 4.6 million tonnes of grain every year.
“Turkey has also bought cargoes from France and Germany this season, but with feed mills located in these ports it faces stiff competition for supplies. This has helped to support the UK’s position as has the competitive value of Sterling prior to Christmas, despite being significantly further away,” said Thorpe.

Recent news of the improving economy however, has strengthened Sterling against the euro and is likely to mean this is a short-lived marketing opportunity.

“UK oilseed rape is recognised as a quality product and buyers appreciate the traceability it carries, but it has to be price competitive too. Given the shipping fees associated with such an export the recent improvement in the value of Sterling means there is unlikely to many more cargoes heading to Turkey again in the near future,” he added.

27/01/14: FAO partners with Angola and Brazil; new storage at grain complex; agri institute's applies for GM field trial

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN (FAO) recently announced it will be working with Angola and Brazil to help boost agricultural and veterinary research in order to help strengthen food security. 

According to the organisation - under a new South-South Cooperation agreement - Angolan researchers will receive technical assistance and short-term training from the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (EMBRAPA), which played a key role in Brazil’s successful domestic program to reduce hunger.
Full news available here.

Farmer-owned  British grain processor Yaregrain recently announced that its latest 6,000-tonne tranche of storage has been sold ahead of the January 31 deadline.

The company secured a 40pc grant of more than £761,000 towards the latest £1.9m investment in advanced grain processing equipment in July last year and had to raise £450,000 in funding by the end of this month.
Full news available here.

Scientists at Rothamsted Research - a British agricultural institution - have submitted an application to the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) for permission to carry out a GM field trial in 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017.

The purpose of the proposed trial is to evaluate the performance of omega-3 long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LC-PUFAs) in the seeds of Camelina plants. 
Full news available here

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Map showing the locations of Angola (green) and Brazil (orange)
(Photo credit: Wikipedia)


January 24, 2014

AB Vista

AB Vista is an international supplier of new generation micro-ingredients for the animal feed industry. Click on image to visit AB Vista's website.

24/01/14: Friday Video: The Abandoned Mill, Sorrento, Italy

This mill in the 'Valley of the Mills' in Sorrento, Italy was abandoned in 1866.

The mill was originally used to ground wheat, and a sawmill operated nearby. The mill was isolated from the sea by the construction of Tasso Square, which subsequently raised the humidity in the area, resulting in abandonment. 

24/01/14: New director of SPACE appointed; IFIF publishes Chinese feed manual; maize mill re-opens in Zimbabwe

Marcel Denieul was unanimously elected president of the international trade fair SPACE during  a board of directors meeting in Rennes, France on Monday. He succeeds Jean-Michel Lemetayer. 

Denieul has been president of the Ille et Vilaine Chamber of Agriculture since February 2013.
Full news available here.

The International Feed Industry Federation (IFIF) in partnership with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN (FAO) recently announced the launch of  a Chinese language version of the “Feed Manual of Good Practices for the Feed Industry”.

The manual, was published by IFIF and FAO to increase safety and feed quality at the production level, and was officially presented to the to the Chinese Feed Manufacturers Association (CFIA) at the FAO Headquarters in Rome, Italy.
Full news available here.

A Zimbabwean maize mill was re-opened by manufactuirng company National Foods Holdings Limited recently, reported allAfrica.

Jeremy Brook, chief executive of National Foods said the company was delighted to bring the mill back in to service. The mill has been in a state of maintenance since Zimbabwe introduced multi-currency trading in 2009.
Full news available here.

Français : Drapeau de la ville de Rennes (Bret...
Flag of Rennes, France (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

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January 23, 2014

23/01/14: Associations call for an immediate halt to commercialisation of biotech corn

The following statement was issued by the US National Grain and Feed Association (NGFA) and the North American Export Grain Association (NAEGA) earlier today in response to rejections of US corn and distillers dried grains with solubles (DDGs) by Chinese authorities because of the presence of Syngenta’s Agrisure Viptera® biotechnology-enhanced corn and Syngenta’s recent commercialization this year of its Agrisure Duracade® biotechnology-enhanced corn, which also has not been approved yet by China and other US export markets.

Associations call for an immediate halt to commercialisation of biotech corn
The statement reads:    

“On January 22, 2014 our Associations sent a letter to Syngenta asking the company to immediately halt commercialization in the United States of its Agrisure Viptera® corn and Agrisure Duracade® corn until such time as China and certain other US export markets have granted required regulatory approvals/authorisations.    

“The NGFA and NAEGA both strongly support agricultural biotechnology and other scientific and technological innovations that contribute to production efficiency and availability of a safe, abundant and high-quality food and feed supply for US and world consumers. 
 “However, NAEGA and NGFA are gravely concerned about the serious economic harm to exporters, grain handlers and, ultimately, agricultural producers – as well as the United States’ reputation to meet its customers’ needs – that has resulted from Syngenta’s current approach to stewardship of Viptera. Further, the same concerns now transcend to Syngenta’s intended product launch plans for Duracade, which risk repeating and extending the damage. Immediate action is required by Syngenta to halt such damage. 

“There are numerous negative consequences incurred when the Chinese and other US export markets are put at risk through commercialisation of biotechnology-enhanced seeds before approvals for import into foreign markets are obtained. Such consequences may include reducing the value and demand for the US farmers’ products, preventing foreign consumer access to much-needed supplies, shutting off or increasing the cost of US producers’ access to some export markets for their crops, exposing exporting companies to financial losses because of cargo rejections and contract cancellations and ultimately diminishing the United States’ reputation as a reliable, often-preferred supplier of grains, oilseeds and grain products in world markets. Commercialisation prior to foreign regulatory approvals also has a negative impact on the overall US corn and other grain value chains and reduces significantly US agriculture’s contribution to global food security and economic growth. 

“Within the US grain and oilseed handling and marketing system, each purchaser or handler makes its own determination as to whether to accept various commodity crops – including those produced from biotechnology-enhanced seeds. Such a decision likely is driven by customer preferences, infrastructure and operational limitations, regulatory regimes and contractual commitments, as well as meeting regulatory requirements in the respective markets they serve. Given the nature of the US grain marketing system, these business decisions extend to the first point of sale or transfer from the producer.  

“As a matter of policy, NGFA and NAEGA have communicated consistently, clearly and in good faith with biotechnology providers and seed companies about the importance of biotechnology providers actually obtaining regulatory approvals/authorizations for import in foreign markets before such traits are commercialised in the United States. Individual grain handler, processor, service provider and exporter member companies of our Associations represent further system- wide support and advocacy for this policy.   

“US farmers, as well as the commercial grain handling and export industry, depend heavily upon the exercise of due corporate responsibility by biotechnology providers with respect to the timing of product launch and commercialisation. We therefore seek assurances from Syngenta that it will follow suit by publicly announcing that it will suspend immediately its commercialisation of Viptera and Duracade products in the United States until such time as China and other US export markets have granted required regulatory approvals and authorisations. 

“Given these on-going concerns, NGFA and NAEGA urge US farmers to evaluate these issues as they prepare for the 2014 planting season. Farmers should check with their local grain elevators and merchants to determine whether the grain buyer or handler has any limitations on accepting biotechnology traits that do not have certain export market approvals.”

Note: More news on this and other issues at NGFA and at NAEGA

23/01/14: Closing the gap between laboratory-scale testing and commercial production

Closing the gap between laboratory-scale testing and commercial production

A new pilot plant for pasta widens the range of customer services at Mühlenchemie GmbH of Germany, where the company can simulation industrial process parameters in pasta production and optimise profitability by closing the gap between laboratory testing and commercial production.

The company claims the new pilot plant offers pasta manufacturers globally a much-needed additional service. 

At its pasta laboratory in Ahrensburg, customers can now verify the possible effects of enzymes and other additives on noodle products before the start of commercial production. The pilot plant simulates the industrial production process.

The market for pasta and noodle products is expanding rapidly worldwide. The quality of the raw materials and the equipment used in its production are as various as the shapes and colours of the resulting noodles.


In order to enhance the quality of pasta made from hard or soft wheat, or mixtures of the two, manufacturers have to take numerous parameters into account. For example, the specific use of enzyme systems, ingredients or additives can improve the bite of the products, reduce their stickiness, cooking losses and breakage, or adjust the colour of the pasta. 

In Mühlenchemie’s new pilot plant, pasta manufacturers can now optimize their products under realistic conditions and test their individual enzyme systems together with the company’s applications experts. The economic advantages for the manufacturer are considerable, since the regular production process does not have to be interrupted for testing.

The pilot plant installed in Ahrensburg is one of the most flexible models on the market and makes it possible to demonstrate most production processes. 

“We shall be able to simulate practically any process anywhere in the world and use the results to make individual recommendations for each application”, says Mühlenchemie’s managing director Lennart Kutschinski. 

Besides computer-controlled mixing and extrusion under vacuum, the equipment permits temperature adjustment and measurement and documentation of pressures. In the automated climatic chamber, temperature profiles, moisture content and the direction of the air flow can be simulated according to the customer’s instructions.

With a continuous output of 70kg of pasta per hour and a minimum quantity of 10–15kg of the end product in each test, Mühlenchemie closes the gap between laboratory-scale testing and commercial production. The equipment makes it possible to formulate targets together with the customer and minimise the risk involved in transfer to the production plant. 

“We use our expertise in flour and enzymes to enhance the quality of our customers’ products and increase their profitability, and also to push ahead with the development of new functional systems”, Mr Kutschinski adds.

Mühlenchemie GmbH & Co. KG is one of the best-known companies in the flour treatment industry. Its key competence lies in solutions for flour standardization, flour improvement and flour fortification – from classic flour treatment to concentrates for ready-mixed flours. Mühlenchemie exports its products to over 120 countries and maintains close relations with more than 1000 mills around the globe. 

If you have the time watch the video on this page on the importance of wheat and our reliance on it!


Zheng Chang

To date, Zheng Chang has successfully constructed more than 2,000 turnkey projects world around the world, covering fields of poultry and livestock feed, aquatic feed, pet feed, premix feed, sawdust pellet, fertilizer, silo storage, pasture, electrical control and garbage treatment. Click on image to visit Zheng Chang's website.

23/01/14: Event: Livestock Myanmar - more than just an expo

Flag of Burma
Flag of Myanmar (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Bordered by China and India, Myanmar - with an abundance of natural resources, including oil and gas, and a growing population - is regarded as one of the final frontiers for investment and market growth opportunity, and is described by industry research service Stanton Emms, East Asia as one of the world's "food surplus" countries.

Livestock Myanmar 2014 Expo, organised by United Business Media (UBM), kicked off today at the Tatmadaw Exhibition Hall in Yangon.

As well as the expo, Livestock Myanmar also runs an informative seminar program with renowned speakers covering the latest market developments, trends, issues and opportunities.

The event offers a great opportunity to exchange ideas, as well as the chance to foster valuable partnerships.

As well as new opportunities for the feed, livestock and meat industries, Myanmar's aquaculture sector - already the world's 12th largest in terms of volume - also makes up a large part of the expo. 

As a result of recent reductions in export tax codes, Myanmar's aquaculture outlook is promising. Seafood exports are expected to rise this year as a result of the EU's plans to lift restrictions on the country's farmed seafood products. 

Keep an eye out for a review of the expo over the next few days!

Visit Livestock Myanmar's website here

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23/01/14: China committed to grain independence; KSU's grain training workshop; new feed enzyme factory opens

Following a growth in domestic grain output, China has vowed to become more self-sufficient in its production of cereal foods, including wheat and rice, a senior agricultural official said yesterday.

Currently, more than 97 percent of the country's grain supplies come from domestic crops, said Chen Xiwen, deputy director of the central agricultural work leading team, a top decision-making body for agriculture-related work.
Full news available here.

Kansas State University, USA has announced its combustible grain dust prevention workshop.

Set to take place on 28 February in Omaha, USA - in a follow up to the 2014 Grain Elevator and Processing Society (GEAPS) - the three-hour advanced training will focus on housekeeping practices, proper grain unloading and grain handling, and controls, with a demonstration of sensors and other engineering controls.
Full schedule available here.

Ian Walker, minister for the Department of Science, Information Technology, Innovation and the Arts, Australia officially opened a new agri-technology export factory and laboratory in Acacia Ridge, a suburd of Brisbane, last week.

The AUD$4.5 million state-of-the-art facility belongs to feed enzyme manufacturer Bioproton and it is hoped this venture will transform Queensland's biotechnology industry. 
Visit Bioproton's website here.

English: Grain in the field
Wheat in a field (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

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January 22, 2014


Westeel's storage solutions are engineered to suit your application: from smaller on-farm bins, to large-scale commercial systems. Personalized service, superior quality, innovation, design, and long term value signify the Westeel name. Click on image to visit Westeel's website.

22/01/14: Event: Countdown to IPPE!

Georgia World Congress Centre, Atlanta, USA
(Photo credit: Wikipedia)
The International Production and Processing Expo (IPPE) kicks of in just six days! The show will feature over 1150 exhibitors with an anticipated 27,000 attendees.

IPPE is the world's largest annual display of technology, equipment, supplies, and services used in the production and processing of eggs, meat, and poultry and those involved in feed manufacturing.

The event will cover all aspects of the industry including:
 - feed milling
 - hatchery
 - live production
 - processing
 - further processing
 - marketing

Following rapid growth since it's first edition - and in light of this year's huge attendance figures - organisers have announced a need to reconfigure the floor plan for 2015 show.

As part of this reconfiguration, a service enabling participants to select stand location for 2015 will be available during the 2014 show, which commences this Tuesday at the Georgia World Congress Centre, Atlanta, Georgia, USA.

Applications for 2015 space can be filled out and turned into the Show Office (B-209) by the close of the show.

Visit the International Production and Processing Expo website here.

22/01/14: Two killed in animal-feed plant explosion; EU calls for action on food fraud; Bunge Brazil president retires

A fire chief in Ohama, USA reported a umber of deaths in an explosion and partial building collapse at an animal-feed processing plant in the state.

Thirty-eight people were inside the building when the explosion occurred on Monday morning. Ten were taken to hospitals and four are in critical condition.
Full news available here.

On 14 January, a vote by MEPs in Strasbourg eastern France called for the approval of an increase in financial penalties on companies that commit food fraud by the European Union.

The report called on the EU to crack down on the import of horsemeat from America that should be banned in Europe because it is being treated with veterinary drugs banned in the EU for use in food producing animals, according to the Humane Society International.  
Full news available here.

Bunge Limited,  headquartered in the USA,  recently announced that Pedro Parente, president and CEO of its Brzilian operating company, will retire effective 30 June 2014. Mr. Parente, 60, has led Bunge's Brazilian operations since joining the company in January 2010.

"It has been an honour to lead Bunge Brazil during a period of significant change," said Mr Parente. "The past four years have been a great culmination to a long career in the public and corporate sectors. I'm proud of what we accomplished, and confident that Bunge will continue to contribute to and share in Brazil's growth, as it has for over 100 years."
Visit Bunge's website here.

Roast beef cooked under high heat
Roast beef cooked under high heat (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
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January 21, 2014


Tapco stocks the largest inventory of elevator buckets and bolts in North America, some 900,000 buckets in 64 sizes, and 15 million bolts. Click on image to visit Tapco's website 

21/01/14: HGCA encourages open dialogue between growers and the 'grain chain' at spring events

Meet the Processor event - Clarks Wessex Mill 2013
(Photo credit: HGCA)
News courtesy of the HGCA, the cereals and oilseeds division of the Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board

Following the success of its Meet the Processor and Meet the Exporter events, HGCA is encouraging growers to join them at one of 14 events already planned for spring 2014.

The initiative, which is open to participation from all processors, this year includes visits to three millers, a feed mill, three maltsters and seven exporter sites.

"The overriding aim of the events is to encourage open dialogue and better understanding between growers, processors and exporters," explained Roz Reynolds, HGCA's head of marketing. "At our previous events, the conversations between the hosts and growers have established a greater trust in the supply chain."

Jonathan Tipples, HGCA chairman added: "This will be the third year HGCA has run the events, and as word has spread, more processors and exporters have come forward to take part, offering up their senior staff to meet growers and explain how their operations work.

“These events enable growers to gain a better understanding of why certain technical specifications have to be met – and also how processors manage in years like 2012 when grain quality was relatively poor.”

This year’s initiative offers the chance to see modern milling machinery, cereal and seed laboratories, test bakeries, export depots and maltings in action.

To book, visit:
contact HGCA Events on 024 7647 8724 or 024 7647 8726.

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