February 25, 2025

Bühler UK and McArthur BDC form strategic partnership

February 25, 2025 - Bühler Uk has entered into a partnership with McArthur BDC, covering the UK and Ireland. The partnership will play a key role in ensuring that farming businesses of all sizes have access to cost-effective, market leading colour sorting solutions, making them no longer the domain of the largest farming and commercial enterprises.

Scott McArthur and Neil Walker

"Bühler is well established as delivering market-leading sorting technology across the food and flour processing market and this partnership will drive our reach into the agricultural post-harvest sector," said Neil Walker, Area Sales Manager UK & Ireland, Bühler UK.

"With the exponential rise of Ergot last harvest, our partnership with McArthur BDC is timely," continued Walker. "Farmers now have the opportunity to look at affordable colour sorting solutions, available from Bühler's Spark Pro and take advantage of McArthur BDC's expertise, to create the system around it."

Engineered to deliver the highest build quality and robustness, Spark Pro is a simple to operate colour sorter controlled by a touch screen control panel enabling real-time monitoring. Farmers are able to easily and accurately programme the sorter to deliver outstanding sorting quality, yield and performance.

Each of Spark's chutes has two dedicated cameras, unlike other sorters on the market which have two cameras for multiple chutes. This allows the Spark ejectors to remove the maximum amount of unwanted material. Self-cleaning mechanisms reduce maintenance time and improve operational efficiency.

"The Spark range of colour sorters are an important addition to our comprehensive range of post-harvest equipment enabling farmers to add value to their crops on farm, crucially at a price point that speeds up the return on investment,"said Scott McArthur, Technical Director of McArthur BDC. "As with all of our solutions, we will provide in-house expertise around the installation and maintenance of the Spark machines, supported if required, by Bühler's team of UK based engineers."

"When designing a colour sorter into a grain plant, of whatever size, it is key to work with an integrator who understands what you want to achieve and what is possible within the constraints of the project. For example, the throughput capacity necessary, the specific sorting requirements for each commodity, how the sorter will seamlessly link with other processing equipment and the provision of easy access for calibration, to name just a few," McArthur added. 

"McArthur BDC's expertise in successfully delivering post-harvest solutions was a driving factor in Bühler's decision to take our partnership forward," said Walker. "Together we can help UK and Irish farmers take full advantage of the opportunity they now have to deploy Spark colour sorters to enhance the quality, efficiency and profitability of their grain processing and storage operations."

For more information, visit HERE.

The Global Miller
This blog is maintained by The Global Miller staff and is supported by the magazine Milling and Grain
which is published by Perendale Publishers Limited.

February 24, 2025

Keynote address to outline global grain challenges and opportunities

February 24, 2025 - Grains Australia's John Ackerman will deliver a keynote address at Western Australia's biggest grain event, emphasising the international importance of grain and outlining challenges that impact global grains markets into the future.

Grains Australia’s John Ackerman says challenges impacting the global grains market issues highlight the critical need for industry-driven solutions. Photo: Grains Australia

"These challenges include increased nationalism, rising trade barriers and ongoing geopolitical tensions," said Dr Ackerman, Grains Australia General Manager Trade and Market Access.

"These issues highlight the critical need for coordinated, industry-driven solutions and the provision of information that can inform appropriate government policy."

Dr Ackerman has more than 30 years of experience in domestic and international agriculture sectors, encompassing research, policy development and industry engagement.

At Grains Australia, he and his team take a strategic approach to trade and market access, with the aim of maintaining and improving access to current markets and developing new ones.

An initiative of the Grains Research and Development Corporation (GRDC), Grains Australia is responsible for managing classification, trade and market access, market insights and market education to enhance industry competitiveness and profitability.

Dr Ackerman will tell the GRDC Grains Research Update - Perth that grain has shaped civilisations throughout time and many urban populations have underestimated food's importance.

"These learnings remain relevant today, and we are living in a time when food is increasingly politicised in global trade and uncertainties are affecting farming on the world stage," he said.

"Amidst rising nationalism and protectionism, we are currently seeing vigorous global discourse around tariffs and a rise in 'non-tariff measures' (measures other than ordinary tariffs that can impact international trade) - creating uncertainty for growers and consumers."

Dr Ackerman said Australia's role remained important and Australian growers and industry were in a unique position to lead by example globally.

"Australia is a significant grain trading nation, exporting a large proportion of its grain production. As well, we have excellent research organisations, and therefore an excellent knowledge base, that can go a long way to assisting some of our partner importing countries," he said.

In response to current challenges, Dr Ackerman will emphasise the need for Australia to have coordinated industry approach and for government decisions and activities to be underpinned by increased understanding and involvement. 

"We need to strive to improve engagement with our partner countries, to involve growers as collaborators and problem solvers in decision making, to leverage Australia's agricultural expertise, diversity markets and better communicate Australian practices that meet expectations of our markets," he said.

For more information, visit HERE.

The Global Miller
This blog is maintained by The Global Miller staff and is supported by the magazine Milling and Grain
which is published by Perendale Publishers Limited.

February 14, 2025

More Nutrients Don't Have to Cost More - Novus at VIV Asia

February 14, 2025 - Novus is focused on helping poultry, pork and dairy animals reach their full potential through advanced technologies that deliver more. At VIV Asia, March 12-14 in Thailand, nutrition experts will share how producers can get more from their higher cost - feed.

During his presentation called 'More Nutrients Don't Have to Cost More', Novus Senior Technical Services Regional Manager David Torres will share how feed additives can transform broiler nutrition and tackle feed challenges.

"We all know that feed is the highest cost for producers. Ensuring the nutrients in feed are accessible to animals is vital for capturing a positive return on investment," Torres says. "During this presentation, we'll talk about recent evidence on enhancing nutrient utilisation in feed ingredients to impact the cost of production. I'll also explain how shifts in soybean quality - which can vary widely - affect broiler performance."

Torres will also explain how the age of a bird influences its nutrient digestion, and how producers, nutritionists and feed mills can unlock nutrients from feed through intelligent nutrition.

"Where broiler production is concerned, globally, the industry is facing evolving feed and genetic challenges. Producers need to educate themselves on the available solutions to ensure cost-effective performance improvements and long-term sustainability," Torres says.

More Nutrients Don't Have to Cost More will begin at 10am (GMT+7) on March 13, 2025, in Room Jupiter 5, G Floor of the Impact Exhibition Center in Bangkok. The presentation is free to all VIV Asia attendees, but registration is required. Visit HERE to register.

Conference attendees who can't attend the presentation are welcome to visit the Novus booth (2-2980) anytime during VIV Asia to speak with representatives about how to get more from their feed, their animals and their operators.

For more information, visit HERE.

The Global Miller
This blog is maintained by The Global Miller staff and is supported by the magazine Milling and Grain
which is published by Perendale Publishers Limited.

February 13, 2025

Ipack-IMA 2025 sold out

February 13, 2025 - With all the spaces for Ipack-IMA 22025 snapped up just three months after sales opened, the numbers speak for themselves, leaving no room for doubt that industry leaders appreciate the event's strength and appeal.

"I am extremely proud to announce that the exhibition spaces were sold out well in advance. We will be showcasing technologies offered by over 1200 exhibitors, 30% of which are international businesses from 27 countries, predominantly Holland, Turkey, China, France and Germany." declared Ipack IMA's Managing Director Simone Castelli. "We are ready to host outstanding exhibitors and offerings and welcome visitors, working to provide them with dedicated initiatives and special promotions. The spotlight will be on special buyers, with selected professionals from around 50 countries invited to cultivate a stronger international profile for the fair".

A look at the sectors covered

The offerings will be showcased from May 27-30, 2025, at Fiera Milano-Rho in eight halls structured around Ipack-IMA's main target markets with Halls 1-3 offering a vertical approach dedicated to grain-based food, the fair's historic flagship sector. In Halls 5-7 visitors can explore general food technologies and materials while Halls 6-10 will be hosting end of line solutions spanning all markets; Hall 4 will be focusing on the world of liquid food and beverages and finally, Hall 2 will be specialising in non-food products and technologies aimed at the life science industries.

Special initiatives for visitors

Ipack-IMA will be showcasing leading solutions and materials for processing and packaging, including various eagerly awaited previews of technologies from around the world. The program includes conferences and in-depth analysis of industry trends, starting with an international event dedicated to the world of pasta, in addition to the Worldstar Packaging Awards and an evolving schedule of activities.

Other exciting new features include the newly opened ticket office and free admission for those who pre-register in February. The same ticket will also allow entry to Pharmintech by Ipack-IMA and the Innovation Alliance events (GreenPlast, Print4All, Intralogistica Italia).

To secure free admission to the fair, register by March 3, HERE.

The Global Miller
This blog is maintained by The Global Miller staff and is supported by the magazine Milling and Grain
which is published by Perendale Publishers Limited.

February 12, 2025

J&S Hay invest in second McArthur BDC Mecmar drier

February 12, 2025 - Farmers and contractors, J&S Hay, who farm 230 acres of their own farm and 320 rented acres in Birsay, Orkney, have purchased a second Mecmar mobile drier to increase drying capacity of their heritage Bere barley, and certified seed barley, freeing up time previously spent monitoring grain drying.

Marty Hay's Mecmar D 18 T

"My mother, Sheena, and two brothers Stevie and Duncan, farm beef, sheep and arable," said Marty Hay. "Our contracting business J&S Hay, one of the biggest in Orkney, grows 150 acres of Bere barley, 75 acres of feed barley and a small acreage of oats. We are the most northerly growers of certified seed barley."

J&S Hay grows Bere for the Birsay Heritage Trust, on land Hay sources, under stubble-to-stubble contracts between the Trust and individual landowners.

"Not only do we dry our own grain, we also dry barley and oats for local farmers and we needed to increase our drying capacity with a more automated solution.

"We already had a PTO driven Mecmar which we loved but we had to switch the drier on, set the temperature and regularly check the moisture content of the grain," said Hay.

"Checking the moisture content is key for us. Bere is a very valuable crop and it takes a long time to dry and must not be over dried, so regular monitoring is essential. The same applies to our certified barley seed, which we sell to local farmers."

Once the grain was dried, the Hays had to manually set the PTO driven Mecmar to discharge and then turn the drier and the tractor off. The overall manual operation was very time consuming.

"We were keen to stick with Mecmar as our existing drier had served us very well. Following discussions with McArthur BDC we decided to purchase a used automatic electric Mecmar D 18 T with built-in aspirator cleaner," said Hay. "The Mecmars really do hold their second-hand value which is a benefit for both buyers and sellers!"

The Mecmar D 18 T was taken by lorry to Aberdeen, then put on a ferry to Orkney, where it was collected by Hay. Two McArthur BDC team members travelled over and spent two days installing the drier.

Grain comes off the combine into trailers and is taken back to the farm where it is tipped into separate bunkers in a grain shed. From the bunker the grain is picked up by tele handler and put into a hopper which feeds the electric Mecmar's intake auger. Using the drier's control panel the temperature is set and the grain is automatically dried to the correct moisture content.

During drying the Mecmar D 18 T's built in aspirator cleaner automatically removes dust and chaff from the grain.

Once dried to the correct moisture content, the Mecmar D 18 T automatically discharges the grain into a bunker in an adjoining dry grain storage area. The seed barley is placed into storage bins and the Bere barley is stored in tote bags. Bere from different farms and different fields are stored in separate and clearly labelled tote bags to prevent potential cross contamination. 

Bere is an ancient form of barley, with a unique appearance and taste, and has been growing and milled in Orkney for over 300 years. It is a quick growing but poor yielding crop which J&S Hay sows in mid-April and hopes to harvest in the second half of August. From the 150 acres grown the yield in between 200-250t.

Some of the Bere barley grown by J&S Hay goes to Barony Mill, Orkney's only water mill, run by the Birsay Heritage Trust, where it is stone ground into Beremeal which is used by most Orkney bakeries.

The majority of the Hay's Bere barley goes back to the mainland (just north of Aberdeen) to be malted and then returns to a local Orkney distillery to produce whisky.

"We are very happy with the electric Mecmar D 18 T. It has delivered the extra capacity we need. When we are at our busiest, both Mecmar driers are running. By drying different crops in each we are able to save time by not having to clean out one drier between batches.

"The automated Mecmar has also helped us to reduce a significant amount of man hours as we can just leave it to get on with drying the grain with no need for us to regularly monitor the moisture content of the grain. We can get on with our jobs.

"This automation has been very welcome as it has also helped us to reduce late nights during harvest!" concluded Hay.

The Global Miller
This blog is maintained by The Global Miller staff and is supported by the magazine Milling and Grain
which is published by Perendale Publishers Limited.

February 11, 2025

USPOULTRY's 2025 Feed Mill Management Seminar to focus on effective and efficient mill management

February 11, 2025 - Feed manufacturing plays a crucial role in poultry and egg production and processing. As feed mill management becomes increasingly complex each year, costs continue to rise. The USPOULTRY 2025 Feed Mill management Seminar provides a valuable opportunity to stay updated on the latest technologies and techniques to ensure your mill operates efficiently and effectively. The seminar will be held March 20-21 at the Embassy Suites by Hilton Downtown in Nashville, Tennessee.

"This year's program planning committee has developed a well-rounded agenda that has something for everyone,"remarked Richard Obermeyer, Director of Feed Production for Aviagen, and Program Committee Chair. "This year's program has topics that range from biosecurity protocols to ingredient quality to artificial intelligence in the feed mill and much more."

Program topics will include the Future of Poultry production and Impact on Ingredient Usage; Feed Mill Biosecurity Protocols; Pellets; Size Study, Quality and Performance, and Particle Size; Regulatory Update; Mill Maintenance: Mill Efficiencies, Steam Trap Survey, and Bag House Operation and Maintenance; Mixers: Uniformity and Profiles and Results Interpretation; Ingredient Quality at Receiving; Cooling Process and Maintenance; and Artificial Intelligence in the Feed Mill for Proficiency.

The 2025 Feed Mill Management Seminar planning committee includes Richard Obermeyer, Aviagen and Program Committee Chair, Larry Hooper, Cobb-Vantress, LLC; and Darrin Poole, Wayne-Sanderson Farms.

To register for the Feed Mill Management Seminary, click HERE.

The Global Miller
This blog is maintained by The Global Miller staff and is supported by the magazine Milling and Grain
which is published by Perendale Publishers Limited.

February 07, 2025

DESMÜD establishes Grain and Grain Products Innovation Centre

February 7, 2025 - The Association of Milling and Sector Machinery Manufacturers (DESMÜD) is realising an important project that will make Türkiye a global leader in the field of grain and food technologies. This project, announced under the name of Grain and Grain Products Innovation Centre, will establish in Sincan district of Ankara and will be the pioneer of a major transformation in the sector.

The centre aims to be a facility that will lead the sector not only in Türkiye but also in the world with its technological infrastructure and the training and R&D opportunities it offers. According to the details announced by DESMÜD President Zeki Demirtaşoğlu, the foundation of the centre is planned to be laid in 2025 and completed within three years. Within the framework of a protocol signed with Ankara Metropolitan Municipality, a 4.5 acre land was allocated by DESMÜD for 25 years for the establishment of the centre.

The total cost of the project is estimated to be approximately five million dollars. This investment aims to create a training, R&D and testing centre that brings advanced technology and innovative solutions to the sector. The centre will be equipped with new generation flour, bread, pasta, biscuit and chocolate production lines. In addition, it is designed to accommodate many functional areas such as modern R&D and quality control laboratories, conference and seminar halls, administrative offices, accommodation areas, hotel and warehouse sections. This comprehensive approach will help Türkiye increase its export targets while training the qualified labour force needed by the sector.

The project aims to make a major contribution to the sector in training qualified labour force. Each year, at least 500 people will receive training at international standards in both Turkish and English by professors and associate professors who are experts in their fields. Training programmes will include theoretical knowledge as well as practical work and participants will have the opportunity to get to know the latest technologies in the sector closely. As Zeki Demirtaşoğlu emphasised, this initiative aims to raise the level of expertise needed in the sector and increase quality standards in production. Currently, the sector employs 300,000 people, but the fact that 65% of the employees are apprentices clearly reveals the qualified workforce deficit. The centre will close this gap and increase Türkiye's competitiveness in world markets.

R&D activities will be one of the most important focal points of the centre. Comprehensive research will be carried out to develop innovative solutions in the sector and ensure the integration of technological developments into production. Quality control laboratories will raise the standards in production processes to the highest level. The conferences and seminars to be held at the centre will pave the way for the sector professionals to increase their knowledge and establish new collaborations. In this context, Türkiye's leadership position in the grain machinery sector will be further consolidated.

This project, led by DESMÜD, also aims to increase international cooperation. The centre will host trainees from Africa, the Middle East, Latin America and the Turkic Republics. This will allow Türkiye to share its knowledge and experience in grain processing technologies across the world. In addition, cultural and commercial interactions with sector representatives from different countries will be strengthened. Thus, Türkiye's export capacity will increase and international co-operation opportunities in the sector will expand.

Zeki Demirtaşoğlu also gave information about Türkiye's export targets within the scope of the project. It is aimed to increase the sector's exports from $3.7 billion to $8 billion in the first 10 years after the centre becomes operational. This growth will not only increase the economic potential of the sector, but will also make Türkiye a leading country in the export of grain machinery. To achieve this success, the Centre plans to create added value in the sector by offering innovative solutions and high standards training programmes.

The contributions of the Grain and Grain Products Innovation Centre to the sector will not be limited to the economic dimension. With its technology-oriented infrastructure, it will modernise production processes in the sector and enable domestic producers to compete at world standards. It will also assume sector leadership in the development of sustainable production models, the use of environmentally friendly technologies and energy efficiency.

This project will enable Türkiye to gain a strong position in the international arena in the field of grain and food technologies. The Centre will offer a great opportunity for all stakeholders in the sector and will further reinforce Türkiye's leadership role in grain machinery exports. This innovation centre, implemented by DESMÜD, has been designed as a facility that will meet not only today's needs but also those of the future. This project, which is expected to make significant contributions to the economic growth and sectoral development of the country, marks the beginning of a new era in grain and food technologies.

The Global Miller
This blog is maintained by The Global Miller staff and is supported by the magazine Milling and Grain
which is published by Perendale Publishers Limited.

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