Friday video treat (another one for the kids). We have a look around Laxey Glen Mill, UK.
September 28, 2012
28/09/12: Australia special
Today we have an Australia themed post.
One of the biggest issues in Australian milling is the plan to deregulate the wheat export industry. The Federal Government is in favour of full deregulation but is yet to bring the bill to vote as it does not have enough support. The Federal Coalition oppose the plan but this has caused tension for some MPs as they must choose between the interests of their constituents and their party.
Growers meanwhile, say the industry is not mature enough to manage without rules. Andrew Weidemann, Victorian Farmers Federation grains group president, argues that the wheat industry is not ready to get rid of the old regulated system, Wheat Exports Australia. This organisation, which is separate from the Australian Wheat Board, was established to ensure a smooth transition to deregulation. Read more...
CBH offers segregation for Hindmarsh barley to test market. The CBH Group will offer limited segregations for Hindmarsh barley in each port zone this harvest to get feedback on whether there is a viable, differentiated market for the variety. More information...
The top six perennial wheat lines from an intensive three-year selection trial have now been entered into a rigorous testing program to measure their performance in grain and grazing trials.
NSW Department of Primary Industries researcher, Matt Newell, said the Cowra-based study is testing lines sourced from the Tamworth Australian Winter Collections Unit, US Land Institute and Washington State University. Read more...
Today we have an Australia themed post.
One of the biggest issues in Australian milling is the plan to deregulate the wheat export industry. The Federal Government is in favour of full deregulation but is yet to bring the bill to vote as it does not have enough support. The Federal Coalition oppose the plan but this has caused tension for some MPs as they must choose between the interests of their constituents and their party.
Growers meanwhile, say the industry is not mature enough to manage without rules. Andrew Weidemann, Victorian Farmers Federation grains group president, argues that the wheat industry is not ready to get rid of the old regulated system, Wheat Exports Australia. This organisation, which is separate from the Australian Wheat Board, was established to ensure a smooth transition to deregulation. Read more...
CBH offers segregation for Hindmarsh barley to test market. The CBH Group will offer limited segregations for Hindmarsh barley in each port zone this harvest to get feedback on whether there is a viable, differentiated market for the variety. More information...
The top six perennial wheat lines from an intensive three-year selection trial have now been entered into a rigorous testing program to measure their performance in grain and grazing trials.
NSW Department of Primary Industries researcher, Matt Newell, said the Cowra-based study is testing lines sourced from the Tamworth Australian Winter Collections Unit, US Land Institute and Washington State University. Read more...
Wheat in the Hulah valley, 2007 (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
September 27, 2012
27/09/12: NFU calls for grain transparency; Syngeta report and more
- Rain delays the harvest of UK winter crops. No surprise here then. Read more...
- In the UK talking about rain is a national hobby so it's a surprise to find an article about the dry weather. The Syngenta Field Report report examines the impact of warm and dry weather mean on early wheat crops. Besides hampering growth, dry weather is conducive to damaging soil borne diseases which can mean decreased wheat yields. Read more...
- In the wake of a poor 2012 wheat crop, The National Farmers Union (NFU) in the UK has called for transparency over grain quality. The organisation has asked members to gain a detailed understanding of their grain and combine sampling and analysis with segregation in stores. The NFU hope that improved transparency will help maintain relationships within supply chains. Read more...
English: Winter wheat (Triticum) ear in France – side view; development stage: anthesis (male flowering). (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
September 26, 2012
Join GFMT at ISRMAX India 2012
Join us at the Premier Expo of
2012 - ISRMAX India - December 13-15, 2012
This December the IARI Grounds, PUSA, New Dehli will play host to eight concurrent trade shows over three days.
Perendale Publishers Limited is working in association with Pixie Consulting Solution Limited to put on what promises to be an action-packed event. The shows will focus on the Indian agriculture industries providing exhibitors with a plethora of opportunities to connect the service providers with the end users specifically in agriculture, aquaculture, rice and grain production industries.
Highlights include:
IAI Expo Poultry & Meat Expo 2012.
India has great potential to increase the consumption of meat and meat products in domestic and international markets. Despite this, there is a lack of advanced technology, inadequate cold storage facilities and processing equipment, particularly at the farm level, act as a major constraint in enabling this sector to take a quantum jump in production and productivity. What is needed is a strong platform for all stakeholders to share knowledge and technology.
It is against this backdrop that Perendale Publishers and Pixie Consulting Solution Limited have decided to launch the IAI Poultry and Meat Expo, which will focus on the Indian industry and provide opportunities to connect the service providers with the end users specifically in poultry and meat industry.
ISRMAX Rice & Grain Expo 2012.
The event will focus on the complete value chain i.e post harvesting of the rice and grain industry and provide the industry with host of opportunities to connect the service providers with the end users specifically in rice and grain industry.
To book an exhibition space or to find out more, view the media file.
This December the IARI Grounds, PUSA, New Dehli will play host to eight concurrent trade shows over three days.
Perendale Publishers Limited is working in association with Pixie Consulting Solution Limited to put on what promises to be an action-packed event. The shows will focus on the Indian agriculture industries providing exhibitors with a plethora of opportunities to connect the service providers with the end users specifically in agriculture, aquaculture, rice and grain production industries.
Highlights include:
IAI Expo Poultry & Meat Expo 2012.
India has great potential to increase the consumption of meat and meat products in domestic and international markets. Despite this, there is a lack of advanced technology, inadequate cold storage facilities and processing equipment, particularly at the farm level, act as a major constraint in enabling this sector to take a quantum jump in production and productivity. What is needed is a strong platform for all stakeholders to share knowledge and technology.
It is against this backdrop that Perendale Publishers and Pixie Consulting Solution Limited have decided to launch the IAI Poultry and Meat Expo, which will focus on the Indian industry and provide opportunities to connect the service providers with the end users specifically in poultry and meat industry.
ISRMAX Rice & Grain Expo 2012.
The event will focus on the complete value chain i.e post harvesting of the rice and grain industry and provide the industry with host of opportunities to connect the service providers with the end users specifically in rice and grain industry.
To book an exhibition space or to find out more, view the media file.
The dome of the Jama Masjid. (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
26/09/12: Commodities special
Weather gets a lot of coverage on this blog. Today we're looking at the effects of the unpredictable climate on feed and food prices. We also heard a new term: 'agflation' - inflation led by a rise in agricultural commodities prices.
Weather gets a lot of coverage on this blog. Today we're looking at the effects of the unpredictable climate on feed and food prices. We also heard a new term: 'agflation' - inflation led by a rise in agricultural commodities prices.
- Russian wheat prices are set to rise further. This article in the Business Recorder, gives an informative outline of the consequences of increasing grain prices in Russia. Read more...
- Farmers face a €120 m rise in feed prices reports the Irish Independent. This equates to €7,300 for the average farmer according to the report. Read more...
- Agflation is poised to hit the meat and dairy industries. This Rabobank report predicts that food prices are forecast to reach record highs in 2013 and to continue to rise well into Q3 2013. Unlike the staple grain shortage of 2008, this year's scarcity will affect feed intensive crops with serious repercussions for the animal protein and dairy industries. Read more..
Quick peak values for gluten testing
Press release:
Gluten quality is an essential criterion for the evaluation of baking properties. This has to happen as quickly and easily as possible, and above all be reliably reproducible for quality management. The innovative and patented GlutoPeak process by Brabender® offers a clever technical solution as an alternative to the rather error-prone rinsing method “by hand”, which is followed by a time- consuming gluten evaluation in the laboratory. In order to describe the functionality of flours, bruised grains, baking mixes or vital gluten, the aggregation behaviour of the gluten component is measured in a sample. The device first separates the gluten, and then aggregates it into a characteristic network before destroying it with the rotation of its mechanical measuring paddle. Time curves and torque curves of the physics of the gluten are recorded and displayed by the GlutoPeak graphically as graphs. The time to reach the maximum point on the curve, the peak, its height, and the following decline of the curve provide essential information on gluten quality—all of which appear within moments and are easily readable at a glance. Strong gluten results in very fast and high peaks, while weaker quality grades are identified by their delayed and flatter peaks on the curve – down to “null peaks”, which are for example, typical for biscuit wheats.
A truly quick technique for the lab
All this makes the GlutoPeak by Brabender® automatic - all that needs to be done is for the sample to be weighed-in manually. A measurement takes between 60 and 600 seconds, living up to its designation as a “quick technique”. Hence, with typical flours or baking mixes up to ten tests per hour can be conducted on average with mini samples of 3-10 grams and extremely easy handling. The specific comparisons of the sample results are then simply a matter of technical quality, which is done according to the company’s own specifications and product requirements.
Gluten quality is an essential criterion for the evaluation of baking properties. This has to happen as quickly and easily as possible, and above all be reliably reproducible for quality management. The innovative and patented GlutoPeak process by Brabender® offers a clever technical solution as an alternative to the rather error-prone rinsing method “by hand”, which is followed by a time- consuming gluten evaluation in the laboratory. In order to describe the functionality of flours, bruised grains, baking mixes or vital gluten, the aggregation behaviour of the gluten component is measured in a sample. The device first separates the gluten, and then aggregates it into a characteristic network before destroying it with the rotation of its mechanical measuring paddle. Time curves and torque curves of the physics of the gluten are recorded and displayed by the GlutoPeak graphically as graphs. The time to reach the maximum point on the curve, the peak, its height, and the following decline of the curve provide essential information on gluten quality—all of which appear within moments and are easily readable at a glance. Strong gluten results in very fast and high peaks, while weaker quality grades are identified by their delayed and flatter peaks on the curve – down to “null peaks”, which are for example, typical for biscuit wheats.
A truly quick technique for the lab
All this makes the GlutoPeak by Brabender® automatic - all that needs to be done is for the sample to be weighed-in manually. A measurement takes between 60 and 600 seconds, living up to its designation as a “quick technique”. Hence, with typical flours or baking mixes up to ten tests per hour can be conducted on average with mini samples of 3-10 grams and extremely easy handling. The specific comparisons of the sample results are then simply a matter of technical quality, which is done according to the company’s own specifications and product requirements.
September 25, 2012
Global grain production at record high despite extreme climatic events - Worldwatch
Press release:
Global grain production is expected to reach a record high of 2.4 billion tons in 2012, an increase of 1 percent from 2011 levels, according to new research conducted by the Worldwatch Institute's Nourishing the Planet project for the Institute's Vital Signs Online service. According to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the production of grain for animal feed is growing the fastest - a 2.1 percent increase from 2011. Grain for direct human consumption grew 1.1 percent from 2011, write report authors Danielle Nierenberg and Katie Spoden.
In 2011, the amount of grain used for food totaled 571 million tons, with India consuming 89 million tons, China 87 million tons, and the United States 28 million tons, according to the International Grains Council. The world relies heavily on wheat, maize (corn), and rice for daily sustenance: of the 50,000 edible plants in the world, these three grains account for two-thirds of global food energy intake. Grains provide the majority of calories in diets worldwide, ranging from a 23 percent share in the United States to 60 percent in Asia and 62 percent in North Africa.
Maize production in the United States - the largest producer - was expected to reach a record 345 million tons in 2012; however, drought in the Great Plains has altered this estimate severely. Maize yields for the 2012-13 growing season are now expected to decrease 13 percent from 2011 production, for a total production of 274.3 million tons.
The reliance on grain crops for food security is threatened by more-extreme climatic events, especially droughts and floods. According to the United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Risk Reduction, the World Food Programme, and Oxfam International, some 375 million people will be affected by climate change-related disasters by 2015. By 2050, the FAO notes, 10-20 percent more people will be subject to hunger based on the changing climate's effects on agriculture, and 24 million more children are expected to be malnourished - 21 percent more than if there were no climate change.
"The relationship between food security, grain production, and climate change is especially important in 2012," said Nierenberg, a Worldwatch senior researcher and Nourishing the Planet project director. "The recent drought affecting the United States and the rest of the world show the need to reduce price volatility, move away from fossil fuel-based agriculture, and recognize the importance of women farmers to increase resilience to climate change."
The drought taking place in the Midwest and Great Plains of the United States is considered the country's worst in 50 years, coming close to matching the late-1930s Dust Bowl. The drought is expected to cost many billions of dollars and could top the list as one of the most expensive weather-related disasters in U.S. history. The global market will be most affected by this drought, as so much of the developing world relies on U.S. corn and soybean production. Food prices have already begun to increase due to lower yields, and price fluctuations will inevitably affect food security around the globe.
Further highlights from the report:
The FAO expects global maize production to increase 4.1 percent from 2011, reaching an estimated 916 million tons in 2012.
Global rice production achieved an all-time high of 480 million tons in 2011, a 2.6 percent increase from 2010.
World wheat production is projected to drop to 675.1 million tons in 2012, down 3.6 percent from 2011, with the largest declines in feed and biofuel utilization.
Since 1961, grain production has increased 269 percent and grain yield has increased 157 percent, while the grain harvest area has increased only 25 percent. This is due largely to the Green Revolution and the introduction of high-yielding grain varieties.
About the Worldwatch Institute:
Worldwatch is an independent research organisation based in Washington, D.C. that works on energy, resource, and environmental issues. The Institute's State of the World report is published annually in more than 18 languages. More information...
Global grain production is expected to reach a record high of 2.4 billion tons in 2012, an increase of 1 percent from 2011 levels, according to new research conducted by the Worldwatch Institute's Nourishing the Planet project for the Institute's Vital Signs Online service. According to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the production of grain for animal feed is growing the fastest - a 2.1 percent increase from 2011. Grain for direct human consumption grew 1.1 percent from 2011, write report authors Danielle Nierenberg and Katie Spoden.
In 2011, the amount of grain used for food totaled 571 million tons, with India consuming 89 million tons, China 87 million tons, and the United States 28 million tons, according to the International Grains Council. The world relies heavily on wheat, maize (corn), and rice for daily sustenance: of the 50,000 edible plants in the world, these three grains account for two-thirds of global food energy intake. Grains provide the majority of calories in diets worldwide, ranging from a 23 percent share in the United States to 60 percent in Asia and 62 percent in North Africa.
Maize production in the United States - the largest producer - was expected to reach a record 345 million tons in 2012; however, drought in the Great Plains has altered this estimate severely. Maize yields for the 2012-13 growing season are now expected to decrease 13 percent from 2011 production, for a total production of 274.3 million tons.
The reliance on grain crops for food security is threatened by more-extreme climatic events, especially droughts and floods. According to the United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Risk Reduction, the World Food Programme, and Oxfam International, some 375 million people will be affected by climate change-related disasters by 2015. By 2050, the FAO notes, 10-20 percent more people will be subject to hunger based on the changing climate's effects on agriculture, and 24 million more children are expected to be malnourished - 21 percent more than if there were no climate change.
"The relationship between food security, grain production, and climate change is especially important in 2012," said Nierenberg, a Worldwatch senior researcher and Nourishing the Planet project director. "The recent drought affecting the United States and the rest of the world show the need to reduce price volatility, move away from fossil fuel-based agriculture, and recognize the importance of women farmers to increase resilience to climate change."
The drought taking place in the Midwest and Great Plains of the United States is considered the country's worst in 50 years, coming close to matching the late-1930s Dust Bowl. The drought is expected to cost many billions of dollars and could top the list as one of the most expensive weather-related disasters in U.S. history. The global market will be most affected by this drought, as so much of the developing world relies on U.S. corn and soybean production. Food prices have already begun to increase due to lower yields, and price fluctuations will inevitably affect food security around the globe.
Further highlights from the report:
The FAO expects global maize production to increase 4.1 percent from 2011, reaching an estimated 916 million tons in 2012.
Global rice production achieved an all-time high of 480 million tons in 2011, a 2.6 percent increase from 2010.
World wheat production is projected to drop to 675.1 million tons in 2012, down 3.6 percent from 2011, with the largest declines in feed and biofuel utilization.
Since 1961, grain production has increased 269 percent and grain yield has increased 157 percent, while the grain harvest area has increased only 25 percent. This is due largely to the Green Revolution and the introduction of high-yielding grain varieties.
About the Worldwatch Institute:
Worldwatch is an independent research organisation based in Washington, D.C. that works on energy, resource, and environmental issues. The Institute's State of the World report is published annually in more than 18 languages. More information...
25/09/12: dry weather forecast for Australia; Romers Labs to sponsor mycotoxin event and more
- Continuing dry spring in south-eastern Australian could cut grain crops forecast. The Weather Bureau has predicted drier than normal conditions in Victoria, south eastern Australia and also Tasmania. Read more...
- Romer Labs is the main sponsor of this years ‘World Mycotoxin Forum meets IUPAC’ in Rotterdam. During the conference Romer Labs will offer a workshop on the very latest innovation in mycotoxin reference testing. The workshop entitled “Improving accuracy and sensitivity in multi-mycotoxin LC-MS/MS methods” will focus on the importance of using C13-labeled internal standards when running multi-mycotoxin methods on LC-MS/MS. The C13-labeled standards are a patented technology of Romer Labs. More information on the conference...
- Phase 3 completed at grain storage facility. GAME Engineering has been working with WoldGrain since 2010 completing Phase 1, Phase 2 and now Phase 3 of their plant development programme at their grain storage facility in Hemswell, Lincolnshire. As part of WoldGrain’s planned programme of works which included a plant upgrade and throughputs in 2012, they installed new in-feed conveyors to their original storage silos. More information...
Description unavailable (Photo credit: pennstatelive) |
Event: VIV China contractor calls time early
VIV exhibitor Produmix, in Hall W2 at Beijing's New Exhibition Centre, tries to carry on business as usual at midday of the last day of the show as carpets and stand equipment disappear around them |
The most successful VIV China exhibition yet, came to an early close when the contractor to the VNU organisers decided to begin removing equipment prior to noon on the third and final day of the show - despite the organisers strenuous efforts to the contrary.
Business was still being done when chairs and tables were being removed from stands, corridor carpets coming up and the electricity being shut off by contractor Dragon Link. Exhibitors had to scramble to protect their exhibits and visitors had to negotiate hazards in order to continue.
"We're a lighting company," said one European exhibitor. "There's not much we can do when there's no power!"
Other exhibitors were also unimpressed claiming that the show was for three days and the last day was important to them. However, one Chinese exhibitor told The Global Miller that it was the exhibitor's prerogative how long to stay, but to pull up the carpet and force exhibitors to leave was not acceptable.
Mr Yao Jian Ping of a Guangzhou company called Wangchuan Xuwu, and a Chinese visitor to the show on the last day, also expressed reservations. "Its a pity it's closing early," he said through an interpreter.
"It's quite disappointing but quite common in China and this is better than what happens at most shows," he said as carpet disappeared behind him. "
VNU, the organisers of the event, did their best to delay the contractor's actions but could not stop the breakup. They told The Global Miller that this was the most successful of all VIV China exhibitions held to date with between 12,000 and 14,000 visitors in total and over 400 companies exhibiting. While 2008 was considered the most successful, this was looking to exceed that although final figures would not be available for some time.
Other exhibitors told The Global Miller they had experienced a good response and had done good business.
Event: International China Summit
Marketing and IT on VIV's International China Summit programme
A break-out session at the International China Summit in Beijing, which proceeded the current three-day VIV China Intensive Livestock Exhibition, started with global marketing - strategies, ideas, trends and solutions and finished with information technology - the impact of digital technology on the feed and food industries in the first of four concurrent sessions.
Greg Watt of Watt Media and Poultry International magazine gin the USA encouraged feed manufacturers and others involved in marketing to have a written plan with established objectives. "What is your marketing and communications strategy and how is marketing aligned with your company's strategic plan? That's what is important."
"Without that, and one year in, you may well face failure," he told a crowed room of industry specialists. He also informed delegates that they needed to measure success based on accurate data gathering. "If you're not data driven then you should be. Lead generation might be one form of assessment, others might be adding distributors or database building or simply counting the number of visitors to your trade show stands."
Online assessments might include registrations or click through to website pages.
However when discussing the pros and cons of social media he suggested that it was not yet the time for business-to-business and the feed sector in particular to adopt social networking, which was working well for businesses with end consumer customers. "Although it's very early stages and this could change quite rapidly," he added.
Meanwhile Roger Gilbert of Perendale Publishers Ltd, the publishers of Grain and Feed Milling Technology magazine, said in his information technology paper that there may soon come a day when all employees of business might be required to have social media accounts to reference their company's products and activities.
His presentation dealt with how the impact of IT and digital technologies might have on mmeting the food demands of a growing world population.
"Digital technology speeds up the transfer of information; it identifies and allows us to more easily control problems as they occur; it improves the route to market allowing for traceability and quality control checks along the way. Finally, it allows our industry to become more cost effective and more competitive while at the same time producing safer and more affordable products," he told his audience.
"Time is of the essence when facing the challenge of feeding nine billion people by 2050!"
Information Technology, using digital equipment, has allowed us almost without realizing it, to improve communications between researchers, scientists and others at the cutting edge of new technologies to complete their programmes over a shorter period of time, he says.
"It has allowed us to educate people within our industry more rapidly at tertiary level connecting students, courses and lecturers globally. It has been used to enhance training offered within companies and through remote learning courses. It has improve the individual’s awareness to global as well as national issues over a shorter period of time and continues to do so."
Mr Gilbert says, "It allows us to trace product and raw materials back to their sources; allows us to track and trace ingredients from manufacturer through processing and identify the batches and products they are used in and allows us to carry out recalls – today’s recalls can be more closely targeted and more product specific, lessening the full impact of costs on an industry such as ours as has occurred in the past.
"However, for our globally-connected industry to minimize costly contamination costs, very individual working in the food chain has responsibilities that must be taken seriously to ensure the quality of products reaching the consumer at the end of the food chain are safe. The actions of individuals or companies can no longer be hidden from view and are quickly identified in this new digital world in which the feed industry now operates."
A break-out session at the International China Summit in Beijing, which proceeded the current three-day VIV China Intensive Livestock Exhibition, started with global marketing - strategies, ideas, trends and solutions and finished with information technology - the impact of digital technology on the feed and food industries in the first of four concurrent sessions.
Greg Watt of Watt Media and Poultry International magazine gin the USA encouraged feed manufacturers and others involved in marketing to have a written plan with established objectives. "What is your marketing and communications strategy and how is marketing aligned with your company's strategic plan? That's what is important."
"Without that, and one year in, you may well face failure," he told a crowed room of industry specialists. He also informed delegates that they needed to measure success based on accurate data gathering. "If you're not data driven then you should be. Lead generation might be one form of assessment, others might be adding distributors or database building or simply counting the number of visitors to your trade show stands."
Greg Watt of Watt Media in the USA with Poultry International China editor Dingding Li translating |
Online assessments might include registrations or click through to website pages.
However when discussing the pros and cons of social media he suggested that it was not yet the time for business-to-business and the feed sector in particular to adopt social networking, which was working well for businesses with end consumer customers. "Although it's very early stages and this could change quite rapidly," he added.
Meanwhile Roger Gilbert of Perendale Publishers Ltd, the publishers of Grain and Feed Milling Technology magazine, said in his information technology paper that there may soon come a day when all employees of business might be required to have social media accounts to reference their company's products and activities.
His presentation dealt with how the impact of IT and digital technologies might have on mmeting the food demands of a growing world population.
"Digital technology speeds up the transfer of information; it identifies and allows us to more easily control problems as they occur; it improves the route to market allowing for traceability and quality control checks along the way. Finally, it allows our industry to become more cost effective and more competitive while at the same time producing safer and more affordable products," he told his audience.
"Time is of the essence when facing the challenge of feeding nine billion people by 2050!"
Information Technology, using digital equipment, has allowed us almost without realizing it, to improve communications between researchers, scientists and others at the cutting edge of new technologies to complete their programmes over a shorter period of time, he says.
"It has allowed us to educate people within our industry more rapidly at tertiary level connecting students, courses and lecturers globally. It has been used to enhance training offered within companies and through remote learning courses. It has improve the individual’s awareness to global as well as national issues over a shorter period of time and continues to do so."
Mr Gilbert says, "It allows us to trace product and raw materials back to their sources; allows us to track and trace ingredients from manufacturer through processing and identify the batches and products they are used in and allows us to carry out recalls – today’s recalls can be more closely targeted and more product specific, lessening the full impact of costs on an industry such as ours as has occurred in the past.
"However, for our globally-connected industry to minimize costly contamination costs, very individual working in the food chain has responsibilities that must be taken seriously to ensure the quality of products reaching the consumer at the end of the food chain are safe. The actions of individuals or companies can no longer be hidden from view and are quickly identified in this new digital world in which the feed industry now operates."
September 24, 2012
Peter Marsh Group celebrates 175th anniversary
The Peter Marsh Group, the Bootle based packaging
company has been celebrating its 175th anniversary. In 2012 The
Group consists of Peter Marsh & Sons Ltd who make paper sacks and Peter
Marsh Packaging who make corrugated boxes.
The Company commenced trading in Liverpool in 1837
but in fact the family were in business in Hindley near Wigan several years
earlier. The current Chief Executive, Peter, is the sixth generation to have
worked in the company. The brothers Simon and Benjamin (5th
generation) still take an active role although Benjamin is a farmer near
Malmesbury in Wiltshire.
Peter Marsh & Sons Ltd is one of the leading
manufacturers of multi-wall paper sacks supplying millions of sacks not only to
the flour millers but also to the animal feed industry as well as sacks for
potatoes and chemicals. Peter Marsh Packaging Ltd is a rapidly expanding
manufacturer of corrugated boxes for many end uses from footwear,
confectionery, frozen foods, envelopes, tissues – you name it and they can
package it!
The Peter Marsh Group '175' logo |
To mark this notable milestone the Group has put on
a number of events. Open days will be held at the factories in Canal Street,
Bootle and it is hoped that two lunches will be hosted – one in the North West
and possibly one in the London area.
These events will be in addition to the Peter Marsh
‘Chase which will be run, as usual, at Haydock Park in January. The first race
was run in 1981 when the winner was Little Owl who subsequently went on to win
the Cheltenham Gold Cup. This was an appropriate winner as the Company’s logo
is a barn owl! The Marsh family are keen golfers and play at Formby where they
hold their Company Golf Day in September. On September 28, 2012, all employees
will be treated to a day out at Haydock Races as part of the celebrations.
Despite these difficult times the Group continues
to flourish and has an ambitious re-investment schedule. This includes,
hopefully, the purchase of a new factory for the expanding packaging business.
The Peter Marsh
Group is very much a family business. As already stated there are three direct
descendants on the Board of Directors and hopefully more to come in time. However
it is not just a family business through the Marshes. Many of the current
employees have had parents, brothers and sisters, uncles and aunts etc. who
have worked for the company.
Increasing milling efficiency with Anitox
Dramatic rises in feed raw materials costs during the last 12 months have doubled the financial benefits of using Maxi-Mil® to increase milling efficiency and improve feed quality according Anitox.
A world-leader in milling efficiency and feed/food safety solutions, Anitox had calculated that the net financial value of using Maxi-Mil® to a mill which produces 150,000 tonnes of poultry/pig feed annually has increased from US$160,000 to US$310,000. The company, which developed and manufactures the product, says the figure reflects the benefit of lower production costs together with the value of replacing moisture lost through evaporation during processing, to which can be added the value of any gains resulting from increased mill throughput.
Simon Carlton of Anitox, states: “Maxi-Mil® is a unique, flexible product which answers a number of manufacturing issues and produces a range of benefits across the full range of poultry, pig and ruminant feeds. The product was originally developed to enable feed mills in Asia to reduce moisture loss in finished feed and increase the storage life of bagged products by inhibiting mould development. Sharp rises in raw material, electricity and other manufacturing costs have forced feed manufacturers to do everything possible to minimise production costs and maximise feed sales.
“In an increasingly competitive marketplace Maxi-Mil® provides feed manufacturers with a number of major financial and competitive advantages. Global research and extensive field trials in over 50 countries have demonstrated that all types of feed mills can benefit significantly from using the product in major areas of production, whether through improved moisture retention in finished feed, higher product quality, reduced power consumption or greater mill throughput.
“Feed manufacturers are continually looking to produce more consistent and higher quality products, a key part of which is to achieve consistent moisture content. Moisture loss is inevitable during manufacture and has a direct impact on feed quality, production and profitability and not just in hot climates. By enhancing the conditioning process through optimal heat transfer and by more effectively binding moisture Maxi-Mil® reduces shrink/process losses by 0.85%, lowers pellet press electricity use (kWh/t) by 13%, depending on the type of ration being produced, improving their carbon footprint significantly, reduces die and roll costs by up to 36% and can improve pellet durability by 3%, thereby reducing fines and potentially enhancing animal performance.
“Independent data produced by the International Research Institute of Feed Technology (IFF) at Braunschweig-Thune in Germany confirmed the significant commercial and production benefits of Maxi-Mil® across a range of livestock diets. Maxi-Mil® also ensures that meal is better-conditioned and easier to pellet, thereby reducing the potential for blockages and enabling the mill to operate at closer to its rated capacity.
With 35 years experience in antimicrobial and mould-control technology in livestock feeds and raw materials Anitox is at the forefront of the industry in terms of supplying products which provide safe feed to protect the health of livestock and consumers. ISO 9001:12000 and GMP+ Certified, the company has a strong Research & Development programme and a pipeline of new products which are at the cutting-edge of technology. These will further increase Anitox’s business in existing markets and take it into new areas, helping livestock producers, feed manufacturers and food producers to meet future demands and challenges.
More information...
A world-leader in milling efficiency and feed/food safety solutions, Anitox had calculated that the net financial value of using Maxi-Mil® to a mill which produces 150,000 tonnes of poultry/pig feed annually has increased from US$160,000 to US$310,000. The company, which developed and manufactures the product, says the figure reflects the benefit of lower production costs together with the value of replacing moisture lost through evaporation during processing, to which can be added the value of any gains resulting from increased mill throughput.
Simon Carlton of Anitox, states: “Maxi-Mil® is a unique, flexible product which answers a number of manufacturing issues and produces a range of benefits across the full range of poultry, pig and ruminant feeds. The product was originally developed to enable feed mills in Asia to reduce moisture loss in finished feed and increase the storage life of bagged products by inhibiting mould development. Sharp rises in raw material, electricity and other manufacturing costs have forced feed manufacturers to do everything possible to minimise production costs and maximise feed sales.
“In an increasingly competitive marketplace Maxi-Mil® provides feed manufacturers with a number of major financial and competitive advantages. Global research and extensive field trials in over 50 countries have demonstrated that all types of feed mills can benefit significantly from using the product in major areas of production, whether through improved moisture retention in finished feed, higher product quality, reduced power consumption or greater mill throughput.
“Feed manufacturers are continually looking to produce more consistent and higher quality products, a key part of which is to achieve consistent moisture content. Moisture loss is inevitable during manufacture and has a direct impact on feed quality, production and profitability and not just in hot climates. By enhancing the conditioning process through optimal heat transfer and by more effectively binding moisture Maxi-Mil® reduces shrink/process losses by 0.85%, lowers pellet press electricity use (kWh/t) by 13%, depending on the type of ration being produced, improving their carbon footprint significantly, reduces die and roll costs by up to 36% and can improve pellet durability by 3%, thereby reducing fines and potentially enhancing animal performance.
“Independent data produced by the International Research Institute of Feed Technology (IFF) at Braunschweig-Thune in Germany confirmed the significant commercial and production benefits of Maxi-Mil® across a range of livestock diets. Maxi-Mil® also ensures that meal is better-conditioned and easier to pellet, thereby reducing the potential for blockages and enabling the mill to operate at closer to its rated capacity.
With 35 years experience in antimicrobial and mould-control technology in livestock feeds and raw materials Anitox is at the forefront of the industry in terms of supplying products which provide safe feed to protect the health of livestock and consumers. ISO 9001:12000 and GMP+ Certified, the company has a strong Research & Development programme and a pipeline of new products which are at the cutting-edge of technology. These will further increase Anitox’s business in existing markets and take it into new areas, helping livestock producers, feed manufacturers and food producers to meet future demands and challenges.
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24/09/12: DELACON; rice mill fire
Hope you had a great weekend. Some of the team are in Beijing for VIV China. Look out for reports from them over the next few days. meanwhile, here in the UK, we've been on the hunt for some milling news...
Hope you had a great weekend. Some of the team are in Beijing for VIV China. Look out for reports from them over the next few days. meanwhile, here in the UK, we've been on the hunt for some milling news...
- DELACON and Forum Products Ltd. sign distribution agreement for UK and Ireland. The deal, which is part of DELACON's expansion into northern Europe, will see Forum promote sales and growth of DELACON products. More information...
- A fire at a rice mill in Abbeville, Louisiana, USA has been brought under control by 15 crews of fire fighters. The blaze started on Friday night and teams worked throughout the night to tackle it. No one was injured and the cause of the fire is unknown at present. Watch video...
September 21, 2012
Meet the GFMT team at VIV China
The GFMT team will be in Beijing for VIV China 2012, Stand no. W2.M023. Mr Roger Gilbert and Prof Simon Davies (the editor of our sister publication, International Aquafeed) will be giving presentations at the International China Summit. See you there in Beijing!
English: Beijing CBD 2008-6-9 Jianwai SOHO, Yitai Center, CCTV 中文(简体)‬: 北京中央商务区夜景(可见央视新址、建外SOHO等) (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
Conferences and presentations ensure an entirely new concept for VIV China
complete range of conferences, network meetings, workshops, knowledge
platforms and presentations on the subject of innovative animal
husbandry forms the new format for VIV China. This concept has been intensively prepared during the past two years – under wraps - in cooperation with the globally operating livestock sector. The new exhibition and knowledge concept will be presented this coming weekend in and around the New China International Exhibition Center (NCIEC). The event, which is on a larger scale than ever before, will run up to and including Tuesday 25 September. |
In consultation with the industry, the project team has reduced the frequency of this trade fair to the initial biannual cycle. An entire series of activities has now been added to the event which will certainly attract attention from emerging industries in Asia and other rapidly evolving regions. “As an example, we are expecting the absolute top professionals from the Russian cattle and meat industry and we will proudly welcome a royal delegation from Qatar. This country is intending to invest substantially in the development of its own poultry industry,” Ruwan Berculo explains. An activity which was initiated by the VIV and the international poultry trade press prior to the exhibition is the ‘Ensuring Food Safety in Poultry Production Chain’ seminar, which will be held on Friday September 21; location Kuntai Hotel (Wangjing area, No.2 Building, Qiyang Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100102). This one-day seminar is facilitated by CAAA, Yu!Brands, CP Group China and VIV. Equally high are the expectations of the ‘International China Summit’ on Saturday September 22 at the Kuntai Hotel. This event is a meeting at CEO level and approximately 300 top professionals are anticipated to attend. The summit commences with a business lunch; followed by a series of walk-in seminars and will be concluded with a plenary closing conference. This edition of VIV China, which is the largest ever staged, starts on Sunday September 23. The exhibition and the parallel programmes offer a complete overview: from livestock farming to meat production. ‘From Feed to Meat’ presents the entire poultry production system: breeding and rearing, the laying hens and broiler sectors with genetic material, abattoirs and poultry processing. These companies will jointly present themselves to the Chinese industry. Especially designed exhibition routes such as the ‘Breeder Walk’ and the ‘Feed Walk’ will ensure that visitors can easily find their way to all the exhibitors. The first day of VIV China will be concluded with an exclusive trade dinner which is planned to take place in the gardens of the Netherlands Embassy. One of the concluding activities is reserved for the production chain of pork. The ‘Breeding Pig International Development Symposium’ will be held on Monday, September 24 at the New China International Exhibition Center (NCIEC).The ‘Chinese Association of Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine’ has developed an interesting programme focusing on piglet breeding. |
VIV supports Dutch Poultry Centre
is facilitating a collective promotion of 15 Dutch companies that will
make a joint presentation in China. These companies work together within
the Dutch Poultry Centre. Their joint presentation will take place
during VIV China (23-25 September 2012). They provide mutual support
during their promotional activities in regard to the Chinese market and
collaborate as partners in the poultry production chain. The VIV
organisation itself also acts as a partner within the Dutch Poultry
Centre. |
Visitors to VIV China will be offered a leaflet in both English and Chinese which shows a special routing along the Dutch companies present at this exhibition. The message is: Follow the Dutch route to successful poultry farming. The reverse side of the leaflet contains information on the areas of industry that these companies are involved in and describes the strengths of the partnership. To mark the cooperation for VIV China, the network organisation has produced a new video clip. This short film provides impressions of the Netherlands and its poultry industry. It shows the entire chain in a five-minute nutshell: breeding, rearing, laying hens, broilers, barn and climate systems, abattoirs and meat processing. Also on the agenda are the topics of feed and animal health. The images are accompanied by brief subtitling in both English and Chinese. During VIV China the Dutch Poultry Centre will be organising various presentations for potential clients. Ruwan Berculo, who in his role as Project Manager is responsible for the organisation of VIV China, has high expectations of the Dutch contribution. “Delegations from other important countries will visit Beijing especially for this occasion. In the two halls allocated to us you will obtain a very clear and up to date overview of the current innovations. We are delighted that the Dutch companies within the poultry production chain have joined us in this initiative. This specific cooperation demonstrates clearly what we are capable of in the Netherlands. Moreover, the collective approach is a useful pilot for collective participation in future large scale exhibitions”, Ruwan Berculo explains. This collective presentation in Beijing is a result of the four-year cooperation project China Calling, which was initiated two years ago by the previous edition of VIV China. The objective is to establish relations during this period between membership companies of the Dutch Poultry Centre and valuable contacts in China. The highlight of the programme is formed by a top meeting with the new business partners during VIV Europe in 2014 (Utrecht, NL). |
21/09/12: Drought and weather special
Drought has dominated the milling headlines throughout the USA and mainland Europe this summer. In the UK, rain, rain and more rain caused infection fears for farmers and millers.
The effects of this spate of unpredictable weather look set to continue making the news as the northern hemisphere moves into autumn.
With this in mind, we thought it was appropriate to dedicate a blog post to drought and weather.
Drought has dominated the milling headlines throughout the USA and mainland Europe this summer. In the UK, rain, rain and more rain caused infection fears for farmers and millers.
The effects of this spate of unpredictable weather look set to continue making the news as the northern hemisphere moves into autumn.
With this in mind, we thought it was appropriate to dedicate a blog post to drought and weather.
- The USDA has expanded its drought relief system to 22 states. An additional $11.8 million for financial aid and technical assistance has been pledged by the USDA to help crop and livestock producers. The money comes on top of the $16 million given earlier in the summer. Read more...
- Russia may have to double its wheat imports due to drought. Read more...
- In the UK, high levels of BYDV were found in cereal crops earlier this year and the wet weather this summer has helped to create a green bridge of cereal volunteers and grass-weeds which is now acting as a reservoir for BYDV vectors, reports Read the full article here.
- But there is some good news: despite a slow start, the Indian monsoon is well underway with rainfall 44 percent higher than average. Fingers crossed the wet weather will help revive summer-planted crops such as rice, corn and soybeans. Read more...
English: Sheep on a drought-affected paddock near Uranquinty (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
Video: VIV China and Russia
Three of the Global Miller team are off to Beijing for VIV China 2012. As ever, it is an action-packed event - read our exclusive preview interview in GFMT magazine. In honour of the show, today's video comes from the VIV Russia 2011 show. There are also on the VIV Corporate YouTube channel including a clip from VIV China 2010 (in Chinese).
September 19, 2012
19/09/12: Mapping wheat genes; rice breeder; world leaders respond to rising food prices
- Researchers at Nofima, Norway are working on tracing the genetic material of wheat with the aim of discovering which varieties are most robust. Desirable properties include good wheat baking quality, resistance to unpredictable weather and high nutritional value. Read more...
- Here's an unusual job title for you: rice breeder. But before you laugh, read this. Rice breeder Dr Monty Jones from Sierra Leone has won a string of accolades for his work on the potential of different rice strains to alleviate famine. This profile is a good overview of Dr Jones's career and successes including winning the 2004 World Food Prize and being named as one of Time magazine's Top 100 Influential People in the World in 2007.
- Droughts across the world affected food prices but world leaders are showing 'prudence', says Reuters. Read more...
Wheat at the anthesis stage. Face view (left) and side view (right) & Wheat ear at the late milk (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
Course: Mill Maintenance I from IAOM
Mill Maintenance I, October 22-24, 2012, Kansas City, Missouri, USA
Press release:
The popular Mill Maintenance I course will once again be offered as one of IAOM’s valuable educational programs this fall. The course will be held October 22-24, 2012, at the Hyatt Place Kansas City Airport in Kansas City, Missouri. The agenda will include bearings, gates and valves, belts and chains, process auditing, power transmissions, electric motors, safety, sifters, preventative maintenance and electrical troubleshooting.
Your company has made a significant investment in the equipment in your mill. To keep it running at peak efficiency through the years it needs to be maintained and serviced properly. An effective maintenance program requires qualified, motivated and well-trained personnel. The IAOM Mill Maintenance Courses provide an opportunity for your maintenance staff to gain the training, contacts and confidence they need to keep your mill operating at maximum capacity. Make an investment in your company’s future by attending IAOM’s Mill Maintenance Courses.
(includes tuition, materials, lunches)
IAOM Members - $600
Non-Members - $675
LOCATION: Hyatt Place Kansas City Airport
7600 N.W. 97th Terrace
Kansas City, MO 64153 USA
Phone: +1 816 891-0871
Fax: +1 816 891-3436
LODGING: A block of rooms has been reserved for IAOM at $99/night for single/double rooms (including breakfast). Reservations should be made by September 20, 2012.
More information...
Press release:
The popular Mill Maintenance I course will once again be offered as one of IAOM’s valuable educational programs this fall. The course will be held October 22-24, 2012, at the Hyatt Place Kansas City Airport in Kansas City, Missouri. The agenda will include bearings, gates and valves, belts and chains, process auditing, power transmissions, electric motors, safety, sifters, preventative maintenance and electrical troubleshooting.
Your company has made a significant investment in the equipment in your mill. To keep it running at peak efficiency through the years it needs to be maintained and serviced properly. An effective maintenance program requires qualified, motivated and well-trained personnel. The IAOM Mill Maintenance Courses provide an opportunity for your maintenance staff to gain the training, contacts and confidence they need to keep your mill operating at maximum capacity. Make an investment in your company’s future by attending IAOM’s Mill Maintenance Courses.
(includes tuition, materials, lunches)
IAOM Members - $600
Non-Members - $675
LOCATION: Hyatt Place Kansas City Airport
7600 N.W. 97th Terrace
Kansas City, MO 64153 USA
Phone: +1 816 891-0871
Fax: +1 816 891-3436
LODGING: A block of rooms has been reserved for IAOM at $99/night for single/double rooms (including breakfast). Reservations should be made by September 20, 2012.
More information...
September 18, 2012
18/09/12: pressures on EU milling; New Cargill canola plant; winter wheat
- This article about the demands on the EU milling industry is a fascinating read. It clearly and concisely outlines the key pressures modern millers face including competition from outside the EU, falling household consumption of flour and a stagnating population. Read the full piece on here.
- Cargill is to build a new canola refinery at its Clavet, Saskatchewan, canola processing facility. The world is expected to be completed in time for the 2014-15 canola harvest. Read more...
- It seems like we've only just left the summer behind but believe it or not, farmers in the US are already turning their attention to winter wheat crops. In this article, Jeff Wolheter of explains why winter wheat can be beneficial, not just financially but also for the land.
Canola Field in Saskatchewan (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
Event: IAOM 3rd Annual Southeast Asia District Conference & Expo
Philippines sunset (Photo credit: FriskoDude) |
This year the organisers are expecting more than 200 milling professionals from across the Southeast Asia region to participate in the two-day conference and expo and pre-conference workshop. This event will bring together industry professionals for three days of educational programming, networking, the exchange of ideas, and the discovery of new products and services.
Registrants will be able to attend the educational sessions, expo, all lunches and receptions, dinner on Tuesday evening, and the pre-conference workshop on food safety. The tentative schedule is as follows:
Monday, October 8
Pre-conference Workshop – “Food Safety” presented by Dr. Jeff Gwirtz, JAG Services.
The IAOM Food Safety pre-conference workshop will provide both the operative miller and the mill manager an understanding of Food Safety programs and their importance in the milling sector. The workshop will provide an overview of Food Safety and its components in a global context. It will also cover various organisations and their basic methods for implementing food safety.
Dr. Jeff Gwirtz, owner of JAG Services and former Kansas State University professor, will lead the class. Some of the course topics include: Components of a Food Safety Program, Good Manufacturing Practices, Third-party Audits and Certification, Global Food Safety Initiative, International Organization for Standards (ISO), British Retail Consortium (BRC), and HACCP.
To register for the workshop and conference, go to the IAOM SEA Conference online registration. If you plan to attend the workshop, select the option “I plan to attend the pre-conference workshop on Monday, October 8.”
Mill Tour – Philippines
Philippine Foremost Milling Corporation has kindly agreed to host participants of the 3rd Annual IAOM Southeast Asia District meeting for a mill visit in Manila on Wednesday, 10 October. The tour will highlight the operational and quality aspects of wheat flour fortification.
This is a great opportunity for millers from across the region to visit a modern mill that has fortified wheat flour for many years. In the Philippines, fortifying wheat flour with vitamins and minerals has been mandatory for more than 10 years.
Separate registration for the visit to the Philippine Foremost Milling Corporation is required. Participation is limited to 80, and will be registered on a first-come, first-served basis. To join the mill visit, send an email by 30 September with the following details to Ms. Annoek van den Wijngaart from the Flour Fortification Initiative at:
- Name
- Company
- Job Title
- Email address
- Handphone number
- Preference for 2 p.m. or 4 p.m. mill visit
Only participants who register by the 30 September date will be able to join.
The Flour Fortification Initiative (FFI) is a network of partners working together to make flour fortification a standard milling practice so that people worldwide are smarter, stronger and healthier. Vitamins and minerals, or micronutrients, are a small part of people’s diets, but deficiencies in these essential nutrients can lead to tremendous problems such as lack of productivity, loss of intellectual capacity and reduces resistance to infection which increases the risk of disease and death. Globally more than 2 billion people suffer from micronutrient deficiencies.
Fortification of wheat flour with vitamins and minerals has proven to be an effective and inexpensive way to overcome micronutrient deficiencies. Currently 74 countries have legislation that requires fortification of wheat flour.
More information about IOAM...
September 17, 2012
17/09/12: new scales from Adam Equipment; CPM forms Crown Asia; wet weather wheat fears in Australia
- Adam Equipment introduce Warrior Washdown Scales. According to the manufacturer, the Warrior is a recent addition to the scale and balance market, and it is taking the science of weighing to new levels of strength and performance. These robust scales are well-suited for the food industry and pharmaceutical processing, and ideal for the production line or for clean-room environments. More information... You can also view the Warrior in action here.
- CPM forms Crown Asia to expand and deliver oilseeds throughout Asia. The wholly-owned company is a result of CPM’s acquisition of its joint venture partner’s shares in Wuhan Crown Friendship Edible Oil Engineering Company (CFEC). As Crown Asia, the new venture will build upon its leading market position in China and the greater Asia region in oilseed processing. Read more...
- Wet weather brings disease fears for Australian wheat growers, reports ABC Rural. Farmers who planted their winter crops late are particularly at risk from the predicted bad weather. Yet experts are unsure of what course of action to take given that incorrect identification of disease could be a costly mistake. Read more...
Olive oil from Imperia in Liguria, Italy. (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
Event: 23rd Annual IAOM Mideast & Africa District Conference & Expo
The 23rd Annual IAOM (International Association of Operative Millers) Mideast & Africa District Conference & Expo will be held from December 5 – 8, 2012 in ADNEC (Abu Dhabi National Exhibitions Centre), Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.
The event is hosted by Abu Dhabi Food Control Authority (ADFCA) and AGTHIA Group Company, Chaired by H.H. Sheikh Mansour bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Chairman of Abu Dhabi Food Control Authority, Deputy Prime Minister & Minister of Presidential Affairs-Chairman.
This year’s conference topics on management issues will focus on current volatile market, which would aid millers in reducing their business decision risks. Also we will present you the latest technology in milling practices and quality control. The three-day Conference and Expo is an opportunity to address these issues and promote new trend and innovation in the milling industry. The IAOM is considered to be the largest gathering of milling industry professionals in the Middle East and Africa Region.
The exhibition is expected to have 100 participation from various countries. The exhibiting companies will come from various countries representing grain traders, machinery manufactures, food processing and packing companies, and other experts from the industry.
The overall interest to participate in the conference & expo is estimated to be higher than the previous years. The organiser expects more than 600 delegates from 50 countries will attend this event, representing multi-trade grain houses, flour millers, government authorities, commodity traders and machinery suppliers.
“Abu Dhabi, one of the seven sheikhdoms that make up the United Arab Emirates, is the largest geographically, occupying more than 80 percent of the UAE’s total area,” emphasises Merzad Jamshidi, District Director of IAOM. The IAOM Conference & Expo is held annually, rotating between the Middle East and Africa region.
More information...
The event is hosted by Abu Dhabi Food Control Authority (ADFCA) and AGTHIA Group Company, Chaired by H.H. Sheikh Mansour bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Chairman of Abu Dhabi Food Control Authority, Deputy Prime Minister & Minister of Presidential Affairs-Chairman.
This year’s conference topics on management issues will focus on current volatile market, which would aid millers in reducing their business decision risks. Also we will present you the latest technology in milling practices and quality control. The three-day Conference and Expo is an opportunity to address these issues and promote new trend and innovation in the milling industry. The IAOM is considered to be the largest gathering of milling industry professionals in the Middle East and Africa Region.
The exhibition is expected to have 100 participation from various countries. The exhibiting companies will come from various countries representing grain traders, machinery manufactures, food processing and packing companies, and other experts from the industry.
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Abu Dhabi from above |
The overall interest to participate in the conference & expo is estimated to be higher than the previous years. The organiser expects more than 600 delegates from 50 countries will attend this event, representing multi-trade grain houses, flour millers, government authorities, commodity traders and machinery suppliers.
“Abu Dhabi, one of the seven sheikhdoms that make up the United Arab Emirates, is the largest geographically, occupying more than 80 percent of the UAE’s total area,” emphasises Merzad Jamshidi, District Director of IAOM. The IAOM Conference & Expo is held annually, rotating between the Middle East and Africa region.
More information...
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