Asia's premier event for feed manufacturers ended in Bangkok this week with many exhibitors expressing great satisfaction with both the number of visitors they saw and the quality of them over the three days. However, other exhibitors said they experienced a mixed outcome.
"In fact, it appears that certain sectors in our industry attracted more visitors than others," says GFMT publisher Roger Gilbert.
"Visitor from Thailand itself might have been impacted due to a national holiday starting at the end of the week and the political situation which continues to roll on.
Mr Gilbert also reported increased numbers attending the various conferences and seminars running alongside the co-located exhibitions of Victam, GRAPAS and FIAAP.
"All conference attendants were up. The GRAPAS Conference, which we organised, had just under 120 pre-registrations and many additional registrations on the day.
"These were flour and rice millers and they represented 12 countries in addition to Thailand," he added.
"Asia is where growth in the coming years is expected to occur and this year's co-located exhibitions offered us a unique opportunity to explore new technologies and a range of additional ingredients. We have to offer Victam International full congratulations on hosting another remarkable business experience," he concluded.
The Global Miller
This blog is maintained by The Global Miller staff and is supported by the magazine GFMT which is published by Perendale Publishers Limited.
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