Results for 2013 FEFAC members have provided final estimates for the compound feed production for the EU-281 in 2013, at the occasion of the 57th FEFAC Annual General Meeting “Greening the landscape for animal nutrition in Europe” on 5-6 June 2014 in Liège. The total production estimate is now set at 155 mio. t, i.e. slightly above the 2012 figure (154.7 mio. t). Pig feed has seen its production fall by -1.4%, whereas cattle feed increased by +2.2% in 2013. Poultry feed remained stable at +0.3%, thereby confirming its position of leading segment of compound feed above pig feed. The most important factors which have weighed on the EU feed demand in 2013 were the cool weather in spring, which impacted negatively on availability of forages in Northern and Eastern Europe countries but provided a positive impulse in the Iberian peninsula and the still fragile economic situation of the pig sector, which affected the resilience of the pig production.

FEFAC market experts foresee a stabilisation in poultry and cattle feed production and a further reduction in pig feed production (-1%). Overall, this would lead to a slight decrease in compound feed production in 2014 vs. 2013 (between -0.2 and -0.5%). The export-led market demand for EU livestock products, in particular dairy products, is expected to continue thus anticipating the end of the dairy quota system. This positive trend is expected to compensate for the potential reduction in feed demand induced by the good weather conditions favourable to forages yield. The generally favourable outlook on global grains and proteins production is expected to result in stable markets despite strong demand. This may lead to a slight increase in meat production in particular for pork. The expected good EU cereals harvest might however encourage home mixing in the EU, which would directly impact on the industrial feed supply. The political uncertainties linked to the situation in Ukraine and with regard to the impact of future free trade agreements both regarding tariff concessions for livestock imports to the EU and market access to raw materials are among the factors which could affect both raw material supply and future investments in the EU livestock sector.
The Global MillerThis blog is maintained by The Global Miller staff and is supported by the magazine GFMT which is published by Perendale Publishers Limited.
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