September 03, 2024

Weighing solutions for potentially explosive atmospheres

September 3, 2024 - In the chemical, pharmaceutical, cosmetics and food industries, there is often an invisible danger in the air. Gases and dusts are constant companions which, in combination with a single ignition spark, can trigger a catastrophe. However, the Ex weighing solutions from Minebea Intec, a leading manufacturer of weighing and inspection technologies, ensures safe and efficient work in this hazardous atmosphere.

The IF flat-bed scale was developed for use close to the floor in harsh industrial environments. It is a high-quality, flexible and mobile weighing station and is used in the production process wherever reliable measurement results and hygienic solutions are required. Picture credits: Minebea Intec

In industrial production facilities where chemicals are used, conditions often prevail where flammable gases such as methane, propane or hydrogen are present in the air. These gases can be ignited by a tiny spark and lead to a catastrophic explosion that can endanger human life and production structures. Dust particles that can accumulate in the air are also extremely dangerous. Powdery substances in particular, such as flour, can spread in the air and react explosively on contact with an ignition source.

Potentially explosive atmospheres are divided into zones depending on the probability of an explosive atmosphere occurring and the explosive substances present. In zone 0 or 20, there is a constant danger due to high concentrations of gases, dusts, vapours or mists. Zone 1 or 21 has a probable but not constant hazard in the vicinity of zone 0. In zone 2 or 22, there is a rare and short-term hazard at a greater distance from the source. This classification is based on international standards such as the ATEX directive for Europe and IECEx certification for the rest of the world. Zones 0, 1 and 2 refer to gases and, in contrast, zones 20, 21 and 22 apply to dust. "Given these potentially lethal hazards, it is vital that all equipment and instruments used in these potentially explosive environments meet the strictest safety standards," says Lena-Marie Fornika, Global Product Manager at Minebea Intec. "We offer weighing technologies that are certified for each of these areas."

Certified Ex weighing solutions without compromising on precision and efficiency

The company offers a wide range of load cells, industrial scales and weighing indicators that have been specially developed for use in hazardous areas. These products not only offer the highest levels of safety, but also precision and efficiency, which are essential for industrial applications. "In hazardous environments, choosing the right weighing and control technology is crucial to ensure maximum productivity and accuracy," says Lena-Marie Fornika. "We support our customers throughout the entire planning process and offer them tailor-made solutions that meet their Ex requirements."

Industrial scales in focus: Ensuring ATEX compliance for a leading aerospace company

The floor and bench scales Combics and Midrics as well as the IF floor scale from Minebea Intec offer many advantages for hazardous areas. Certified to ATEX, IECEx and FM, these scales ensure compliance with Ex requirements. They offer high accuracy, a user-friendly interface and various weighing units. The industrial scales in the Midrics series offer similar benefits, but in a more compact design. They are also approved for use in hazardous areas and offer high accuracy and reliability. The IF floor scales are ideal for applications with heavy loads and are even suitable for use is Zone 2/22. Overall, these scales offer the ideal combination of safety, precision and user-friendliness for use in hazardous areas.

The example of Avio, a leading Italian manufacturer of aerospace fuels, illustrates exactly how customers can benefit from these Ex-certified industrial scales. The company needed to adapt its equipment to the ATEX directives after internal audits revealed that the current instruments no longer complied with the updated regulations. Avio sought quotes from various suppliers and then chose an ATEX Zone 1 weighing solutions from Minebea Intec. The company provided a complete solution, including ATEX-certified equipment and customised software. The solution comprised two Combics weighing platforms with resolutions of 15,000d and 30,000d and weighing ranges of 3000kg/200g and 60kg/2g, a Maxxis 5 programmable weighing controller and PR 5110 remote displays. Minebea Intec's engineering support team developed a software solution for recipe management and also installed a control cabinet with intrinsically safe interfaces for secure data transmission. The solution not only complied with health and safety guidelines, but also optimised the efficiency of Avio's dosing system.

Weighing indicator Midrics 1 Ec is the latest addition to the Ex portfolio

Minebea Intec is constantly expanding its range of Ex solutions. For example, the company recently launched the Midrics 1 Ex weighing indicator. "With the Midrics 1 Ex weighing indicator, we offer a state-of-the-art solution for visualising weighing results in hazardous areas," says Lena-Marie Fornika. "Users benefit not only from the affordable price, but above all from the reliability and intuitive operation of the product."

The intrinsically safe weighing indicator Midrics 1 Ex is suitable for a wide range of applications such as counting, inspection or pre-packaging control.

Best practice: SABIC and Ex-certified compression load cells

Another customer example demonstrates the performance of the Ex-certified load cells. SABIC, a leading Saudi Arabian petrochemical company, was looking for reliable weighing systems for dosing hoppers and the replacement of defective components in granulate hoppers. Minebea Intec was chosen for its experience, accuracy and adherence to strict safety standards. The company installed three S PR 6241 compression load cells for outdoor use in accordance with the ATEX directive. The load cells enabled a transmission range of 500m. The company also supplied four PR 6201 precision compression load cells and PR 6143 compact kits, all ATEX-certified, for the defective granulate containers. This successful partnership established the company as an official supplier to SABIC and demonstrates the company's ability to provide customised solutions that meet the highest safety standards.

Ex solutions when danger is in the air

All of the companies products for potentially explosive atmospheres comply with the strictest international standards such as ATEX, IECEx and FM. in a world where the risk of explosion is in the air, choosing the right technology is crucial. The company offers holistic weighing solutions that not only ensure the highest levels of safety, but also precision and efficiency. Lena-Marie Fornika: "Our products are more than just devices - they are partners for safety and success in hazardous areas."

For more information, visit HERE.

The Global Miller
This blog is maintained by The Global Miller staff and is supported by the magazine Milling and Grain
which is published by Perendale Publishers Limited.

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