October 08, 2024

New Novus solution impacts dairy feed costs

October 8, 2024 - Novus has introduced its latest intelligent nutrition product - Next Enhance CGO Feed Solution - that supports greater returns on feed investments while providing a safeguard for feed inventories.

This new feed solution is shown to help dairy farmers get more out of forage by optimising dry matter intake per kilogram/pound of milk produced while maintaining milk production and body weight/condition.

"High feed costs continue to cut into profits for our dairy customers. Our goal in developing this product was to positively impact profits by affecting how much dry matter farmers feed their herds," says Ricardo Teles, Global Ruminant Solutions Manager. "With Next Enhance CGO we're maximising a dairy farmer's income over feed cost. We see a consistent reduction in dry matter intake without negative impacts on milk production or the cow's body weight or body condition. In fact, in some instances, we've seen a boost in production."

Studies with dairy cows fed the product in commercial conditions show decreases in dry matter intake by 0.95kg per cow per day.

"A decrease of two pounds of dry matter intake per cow per day is significant. It means a 33-pound bag of Next Enhance CGO can save 81,729 pounds of total mixed ration," says Sarah Stocks, Novus Technical Services Manager. "A return like that allows the product to pay for itself while the customer sees additional income and can feel more secure about feed costs and feed inventory."

Along with helping the herd outperform its ration, the feed solution allows dairy farmers to feed less, decreasing total mixed ration costs. Because the cows are eating less, farmers can enjoy a buffer between their forage and drought, flood or feed quality that can impact feed inventory.

The product is currently available to dairy farmers and nutritionists in the United States and parts of Europe. Speak to your local Novus representative to learn if the product is available in your country.

For more information, visit HERE.

The Global Miller
This blog is maintained by The Global Miller staff and is supported by the magazine Milling and Grain
which is published by Perendale Publishers Limited.

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