VICTAM International was a particularly successful event for three companies who were crowned the winners of the GRAPAS Innovations Awards. On the first evening of the exhibition, June 12th, Milling and Grain magazine took to the stage to present the trophies to their selected winners with the best innovations for flour, rice and pasta processing technologies.
Publisher Roger Gilbert, alongside Features Editor Rebecca Sherratt took to the stage to announce the winners of the GRAPAS Innovations Awards, a yearly awards ceremony hosted by Milling and Grain magazine and VICTAM, to honour the best innovations for the food processing industry that have been produced in the past two years.
Runner up- Balaguer Rolls' Optical Fluting Test 2.0

Following the success of the first Optical Fluting Test, the world's only device to check rolls profiles by optical vision, this second generation has been specifically designed to help millers to easily measure and check roll profiles. In only few easy steps, the device enables the miller to get a certificate which will show the existing fluting profile of a specific roll, in order to help them to take the decision of changing the rolls at the most suitable and cost-effective time.
Winner One- Petkus' OptoSelector 901t
The first winner of GRAPAS 2019 was the very worthy Petkus OptoSelector 901t. Petkus developed in the OptoSelector 901t a unified system of analysis combining the full-color RGB method and a special light transmission method based on the translucent features of the seeds.
This was made possible through the use of a special lighting system, which is characterised by intensive, software controlled light source, exact focusing and perfect homogenization of light across the entire working width of 900mm. Along with this, highly sensitive optical sensors are used to capture residual light passing through the grains. As a result, OS 901t has the ability to sort grains using full-color RGB analysis, analysis of geometrical parameters, as well as analysis on the basis of the light transmission method of objects in a single pass through a machine with a capacity of up to 15 t/h.

Winner Two- Bühler's LumoVision

Lumovision is based on data-driven optical sorting technology that closely targets grains affected by Aspergillus Fungi, the cause of Aflatoxin contamination. Produced by a fungal mold, aflatoxin is colorless and odorless, making it difficult to detect. Yet as few as 2 highly contaminated grains in 10,000 can render an entire batch unsafe. Identifying and removing aflatoxin-contaminated grains is a major challenge.
With the new cloud-based system constantly monitoring the product flow and assessing risk, yield losses are reduced to almost zero, while the safety of the final product is assured.
Winner Three- Selis' Dynamic Angular Positioning System (DAPS)

Dynamic Angled Positioning System (DAPS system) has brought a big solution to the important problems on the smooth roll passages and fine grooved roll passages. Due to the thermal expansion on the edges of the cylindrical grounded (no cambered) smooth rolls, caused by the heat generated by the bearings of the rolls, rolls become a concave shape. By means of angular positioning of two rolls, through the milling line on the rolls, milling gap between the rolls will be equal.
Read the full article about both the awards and the GRAPAS Conference HERE.
The Global Miller
This blog is maintained by The Global Miller staff and is supported by the magazine Milling and Grain
which is published by Perendale Publishers Limited.
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