June 30, 2020

Evonik launches AMINONIR® FA, a new NIR service for the analysis of 49 fatty acids

by Evonik Industries, Germany

Evonik has developed AMINONIR® FA – the first of its kind NIR service for the complete set of fatty acids contained in feed ingredients and fish feeds. Besides fish feed for various species, the Evonik calibration portfolio serves more than 20 raw materials covering up to 49 individual fatty acids from C6 to C24.
Calibrations are based on representative samples from all-important countries of origin worldwide and are continuously updated and extended. The major advantage of advanced AMINONIR® FA is that fatty acid profiles become available in a matter of minutes without involving tedious wet chemical analyses or third-party labs.

Director Service Development, Dr Markus Wiltafsky-Martin, says a user of AMINONIR® FA can analyse thousands of samples per year which offers totally new possibilities to benefit from the analytical results.

“The past 60 years in animal nutrition, we have always strived to be more precise and create diets that fit better to the real requirements of the animals,” he says. “Fatty acids are essential for animals to prevent major health and performance problems.”

Besides being an energy source, fatty acids have other vital functions in insulation, the protection of inner organs, and as a building block of membranes. They are also needed for the synthesis of hormones (eicosanoids) and as carriers of fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K.

Dr Wiltafsky-Martin points out that it’s important not to focus only on the total fat levels in animal diets.

“Instead of looking at total fat levels, we advise to focus on the fatty acid composition. There can be a lot of variation in the fatty acid pattern even within the same type of feed ingredient. It is important to consider these variations in the feed formulation to really meet the needs of the animals.”

He says essential fatty acids for poultry and pigs include linoleic acid and linolenic acid, while marine fish require docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and arachidonic acid.

“Some fatty acids are essential and need to be supplied via feed. In laying hens, the supply of essential fatty acids has an impact on egg size, while in sows the supply of essential fatty acids ensures reproductive performance and piglet development,” says Dr Wiltafsky-Martin. “In reproductive animals it’s very important to have the right levels of those fatty acids which are precursors of hormones. They can support uterine health post-partum, follicle-oocyte development, the luteal phase and embryo development.”

Read more HERE.

The Global Miller
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