December 06, 2019

FeedValid invests in state-of-the-art production line

Ottevanger Milling Engineers and FeedValid signed a cooperation agreement on the 29th November, 2019. Construction on the state-of-the-art production line will begin in December 2019 and is scheduled to be completed in May 2020. The new line production line will result in FeedValid doubling its production volume.

Recent developments around nitrogen, methane, sustainability and European sourcing have led to increased demand for livestock feedstuffs which can be even better utilised. In Poederoijen, FeedValid produces various protein-enriched, rumen-bypass products. The new production line from Ottevanger will make it possible for FeedValid to stabilise meal, oilseeds and legumes in a better and more efficient manner and treat them thermally.
Image credit: Ottevanger Milling Engineers

Bypass proteins
The right stability process combined with high digestibility makes it possible to reduce the raw protein content in the feed to as low as 15 percent. This contributes to a reduction in nitrogen and methane emissions as well as to the lowering of feed costs.

Thermal treatment
Up to now the technology for treating proteins chemically produced higher stability and superior digestibility than technology involving the use of heating and additives. But thanks to research into heat treatment and the right additives, a state-of-the-art production line will be installed which will deliver virtually the same stability and digestibility as would chemical treatment. 

Capacity doubled
The new production line is to be built within an existing building at the factory site. This investment will enable FeedValid to double its current volume of production and thus equip it to more than meet the growing demand in the coming decades for bypass proteins and heat-treated oilseeds and legumes.

Visit the Ottevanger Milling Engineers website, HERE.
Visit the FeedValid website, HERE.

The Global Miller
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which is published by Perendale Publishers Limited.

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