May 07, 2013

FEFANA launches its 'Virtual Library' and publishes a booklet on premixtures

FEFANA is pleased to announce the launch of the new FEFANA 'Virtual Library' which coincides with the publication of a booklet on premixtures.

Being the technical expert on specialty feed ingredients and their mixtures, FEFANA aims at providing technical and scientifically sound information on the benefits and safety of the products of its industry.

A new interactive 'Virtual Library' space has just been created on the FEFANA website on which publications will be available.

FEFANA particularly foresees the release of a series of specific booklets related to different categories of products. The booklet on premixtures is the first of these intended publications.

The premixture sector has greatly developed over the last decades and is regarded as a key partner for the compound feed industry, farmers and other feed business operators. The FEFANA Working Group on premixtures has designed and developed this booklet to draw an overall picture of the European premixture industry. A description of the various types of premixtures is given first, followed by sourcing and procurement process of premixture ingredients, their formulation, manufacturing, packaging and transport. The final focus is on the quality management and safety of premixtures.

For more information please contact the FEFANA secretariat at or visit website at

English: Extruded feed pellets
English: Extruded feed pellets (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
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