September 16, 2013

16/09/2013: Foodbank wants your grain; US biofuels mandate; CBH moves into US grain market

Companies in the grain sector are supporting the industry commitment to donate 3000 tonnes of grain a year to Foodbank. Grain Producers Australia, Viterra, Cargill and Emerald Grain are donating to the cause.

Grain Trade Australia (GTA) announced the initiative at the Australian Grain Industry Conference in Melbourne last month.

A Grain Consultative Group that comprises representatives from all sectors of the industry has been set up to help facilitate donations. 

An ethanol trade group and a cattlemen's organisation have differing opinions with regards to the US Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS). 

The ethanol trade group is standing by its claim that RFS is working, but according to the cattlemen's organisation, federal volume mandate puts the beef industry on an unlevel playing field for the finite amount of corn that is produced.

Australia's main grain marketer, the CBH Group has opened a new international office in Portland, Oregon, USA. 

Jason Craig, marketing and trading general manager said that trading grain out of Portland will allow CBH to offer US and Canadian wheat to key customers in the Asian region, to compliment Australian wheat grades in their flour milling process.
“CBH currently has a strong advantage in the Asian region and has well established relationships with end-users. We have offices in Hong Kong and Japan and key investments in the flour milling industry through Interflour,” said Craig.

CBH grain Silo - Kwinana, Western Australia.
CBH grain Silo - Kwinana, Western Australia. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
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